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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing A, C, I, N, R, T and V

CAVORTINGcavorting v. Present participle of cavort.
cavorting n. The action of the verb to cavort.
CAVORTING n. the act of prancing about.
COVARIANTcovariant adj. (Category theory) (Of a functor) which preserves composition.
covariant adj. (Object-oriented programming) Using or relating to covariance.
covariant n. (Algebra) A bihomogeneous polynomial in x, y, ... and the coefficients of some homogeneous form in x…
CURVATIONcurvation n. The act of curving or bending.
CURVATION n. the state of being curved.
INCURVATEincurvate adj. Bending inwards.
incurvate adj. Curved; bent; crooked.
incurvate v. (Transitive) To bend (especially inwards); to give a curved shape to.
INVOCATORinvocator n. One who invocates the spirits of the dead.
INVOCATOR n. one who invokes.
NAVICERTSnavicerts n. Plural of navicert.
NAVICERT n. a document permitting a neutral vessel passage through a naval blockade.
VICARIANTvicariant adj. Of, relating to, or as a result of vicariance.
vicariant n. Any of a set of species, in separate geographical locations, that have arisen through vicariance.
VICARIANT n. a species, variety, etc., of plant or animal forming the counterpart in one area or on one soil to a closely related form native to another area.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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