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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, C, I, M, N, P and T

CAMPANISTcampanist n. One who studies bells.
CAMPANIST n. a person with an expert knowledge of bells.
COMPLAINTcomplaint n. The act of complaining.
complaint n. A grievance, problem, difficulty, or concern.
complaint n. (Law) In a civil action, the first pleading of the plaintiff setting out the facts on which the claim…
COMPLIANTcompliant adj. Willing to comply; submissive; willing to do what someone wants.
compliant adj. Compatible with or following guidelines, specifications, rules, or laws.
COMPLIANT adj. yielding.
IMPACTINGimpacting v. Present participle of impact.
IMPACT v. to fix firmly together.
IMPACTIONimpaction n. Compression; the packing together of loose matter.
impaction n. Something packed together tightly; a mass of densely-packed matter.
impaction n. (Medicine) A solid, immobile bulk of stool.
IMPECCANTimpeccant adj. Without sin; impeccable.
IMPECCANT adj. sinless; impeccable.
INCOMPACTincompact adj. Not compact; not having the parts firmly united; incoherent or loose.
INCOMPACT adj. not compact.
MANCIPATEmancipate v. (Obsolete) To enslave.
MANCIPATE v. to enslave.
NONIMPACTnonimpact adj. Not involving impact.
NONIMPACT n. a lack of impact.
PANMICTICpanmictic adj. Of, or pertaining to panmixia.
PANMICTIC adj. connected with or exhibiting panmixia, cessation of the influence of natural selection.
PNEUMATICpneumatic adj. Of, relating to, or resembling air or other gases.
pneumatic adj. Of or relating to pneumatics.
pneumatic adj. Powered by, or filled with, compressed air.
PTOMAINICPTOMAINIC adj. of or like ptomaine, a poisonous alkaloid found in decaying matter.
TYMPANICStympanics n. Plural of tympanic.
TYMPANIC n. a bone of the ear.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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