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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, C, I, L, P, T and U

APICULATEapiculate adj. (Botany) Having a short, sharply pointed tip.
APICULATE adj. of leaves, having a short point at the tip.
CAPITULARcapitular n. An act passed in a chapter.
capitular n. A member of a chapter.
capitular n. The head or prominent part.
CAPITULUMcapitulum n. (Botany) A densely clustered inflorescence composed of a large number of individual florets arising…
capitulum n. (Arachnology) The head-like mouthpart apparatus of a tick, including the palpi, mandibles, and hypostome.
capitulum n. (Anatomy) A small protuberance on a bone which articulates into another bone to form a ball-and-socket joint.
DUPLICATEduplicate adj. Being the same as another; identical, often having been copied from an original.
duplicate adj. (Games) In which the hands of cards, tiles, etc. are preserved between rounds to be played again by other players.
duplicate v. (Transitive) To make a copy of.
EUCALYPTIeucalypti n. Plural of eucalyptus.
EUCALYPTUS n. a large Australian tree, also EUCALYPT.
EUPLASTICeuplastic adj. (Archaic) Describing an organizable substance by which the tissues of an animal body are renewed..
EUPLASTIC adj. healing quickly and well.
IMPACTFULimpactful adj. Having impact.
IMPACTFUL adj. full of impact.
INCULPATEinculpate v. (Law) To imply the guilt of; to blame or incriminate.
INCULPATE v. to blame; to incriminate.
MULTIPACKmultipack n. A form of packaging containing multiple individual packages of a single product.
MULTIPACK n. a pack containing several of a given item, usually at a reduced price.
PATCHOULIpatchouli n. Any of several East Indian plants in the genus Pogostemon, especially Pogostemon cablin, which yield…
patchouli n. The oil or perfume made from these plants.
PATCHOULI n. (Tamil) an Asiatic tree with a fragrant perfume oil; the resulting perfume, also PACHOULI, PATCHOULY.
PICTURALSpicturals n. Plural of pictural.
PICTURAL n. (Spenser) a picture.
PLICATUREplicature n. A doubling; a fold; a plication.
PLICATURE n. the act of folding, also PLICATION.
SPICULATEspiculate adj. Covered with, or having, spicules.
spiculate v. (Transitive) To sharpen to a point.
SPICULATE adj. having a sharp point.
SULPHATICsulphatic adj. (Chemistry) Of, relating to, resembling, or containing a sulphate or sulphates.
SULPHATIC adj. pertaining to a salt of sulphuric acid, also SULFATIC.
SUPPLICATsupplicat n. (UK, historical, universities) A petition, especially a written one, with a certificate that the conditions…
SUPPLICAT n. in English universities, a petition.
UNTYPICALuntypical adj. Not typical, atypical, unusual.
UNTYPICAL adj. not typical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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