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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, C, I, L, 2N and T

ANCIENTLYanciently adv. In the manner of very long ago. As the ancients did.
anciently adv. Done long ago.
ANCIENT adv. very old, also ANTIENT.
ANTICLINEanticline n. (Geology) A fold with strata sloping downwards on each side.
ANTICLINE n. a fold that is convex upward, or that had such an attitude at some stage of its development.
ANTICLINGanticling adj. Preventing one material from clinging to another.
ANTICLING adj. designed to prevent clinging e.g. of fabrics.
CANTILENAcantilena n. (Music) A vocal melody or instrumental passage in a smooth, lyrical style.
CANTILENA n. (Italian) a smooth, flowing melody or vocal style.
CANTINGLYcantingly adv. In a canting manner; with jargon or religious affectation.
CANTING adv. whining, pretending to piety.
CLINQUANTclinquant adj. Glittery; gleaming; sparkling; dressed in, or overlaid with, tinsel finery.
clinquant n. Dutch metal.
clinquant n. Tinsel; glitter.
CLINTONIAclintonia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Clintonia of herbaceous perennials.
CLINTONIA n. any temperate liliaceous plant of the genus Clintonia having broad basal leaves and white or yellowish or purplish flowers followed by blue or black berries.
CONTINUALcontinual adj. Recurring in steady, rapid succession.
continual adj. (Proscribed) Seemingly continuous; appearing to have no end or interruption.
continual adj. (Proscribed) Forming a continuous series.
CULMINANTculminant adj. Being vertical, or at the highest point of altitude.
culminant adj. (By extension) predominant.
CULMINANT adj. at its highest point.
DECLINANTdeclinant adj. (Heraldry) Having the tail hanging down.
DECLINANT n. (French) a person who is declining or diminishing in luck or wealth.
INOCULANTinoculant n. The active material used in an inoculation; an inoculum.
inoculant n. (Engineering) An alloyant used to refine grains in a cast microstructure.
INOCULANT n. any material used in inoculation, also INOCULUM.
INTERCLANinterclan adj. Between clans.
INTERCLAN adj. between clans.
LANCINATElancinate v. (Transitive) To pierce or stab (as with a lance); to lance.
LANCINATE v. to pierce or tear.
NONCOITALnoncoital adj. Not coital.
NONCOITAL adj. not related to coition.
OCTENNIALoctennial adj. Occurring every eight years.
octennial adj. Lasting or taking eight years.
OCTENNIAL adj. recurring every eighth year.
SCANTLINGscantling n. (Chiefly in the plural) The set size or dimension of a piece of timber, stone etc., or materials used…
scantling n. (Archaic) A small portion, a scant amount.
scantling n. A small, upright beam of timber used in construction, especially less than five inches square.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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