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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, C, I, L, M, R and T

CARMELITECarmelite n. A member of the Order of the Brothers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, a Catholic religious order focusing…
Carmelite n. A variety of pear.
Carmelite n. (Now historical) A type of fine woolen material.
CARTELISMcartelism n. The practices of cartels, or groups formed to support a common interest.
CARTELISM n. the system of having cartels.
CHEMTRAILchemtrail n. A contrail consisting of chemicals or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes, according…
CHEMTRAIL n. a vapour trail believed to contain toxic chemicals.
CLIMATUREclimature n. (Obsolete) climate.
CLIMATURE n. (Shakespeare) a region.
CROTALISMcrotalism n. (Medicine) A condition caused by poisonous plants in the genus Crotalaria.
CROTALISM n. poisoning by crotalaria, any plant of the sunn hemp genus Crotalaria.
MATRICULAmatricula n. (Obsolete) A register of students who are enrolled.
matricula n. (Obsolete) A document indicating that a student has passed a course of study.
matricula n. An identification card issued by the Mexican consulate.
MILLOCRATmillocrat n. A member of the millocracy.
MILLOCRAT n. a member of the millocracy, the body of mill-owners regarded as a dominant or ruling class.
THERMICALthermical adj. Alternative form of thermic.
THERMICAL adj. of or by heat, also THERMIC.
TULAREMICtularemic adj. Of or relating to tularemia.
TULAREMIC adj. relating to tularemia, a disease of rodents caused by a bacterium, also TULARAEMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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