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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, C, I, 2L, M and S

CALLTIMESCALLTIME n. time available for use in making calls on a mobile phone; the time used on a single phone call.
CAMELLIAScamellias n. Plural of camellia.
CAMELLIA n. an evergreen shrub, also CAMELIA.
GALLICISMgallicism n. Alternative letter-case form of Gallicism.
Gallicism n. A loanword borrowed from French.
GALLICISM n. a French turn of expression.
LACRIMALSlacrimals n. Plural of lacrimal.
LACRIMAL n. a gland that produces tears, also LACHRYMAL, LACRYMAL.
LEMNISCALlemniscal adj. Of or pertaining to the lemniscus.
lemniscal adj. (Anatomy) Describing a sensory pathway that conducts impulses of touch etc to the cortex.
LEMNISCAL adj. relating to a lemniscus, a band of fibres.
LIMESCALElimescale n. A white, chalky deposit of calcium carbonate found in kettles, washing machines etc., especially in a hard water area.
LIMESCALE n. a flaky deposit left in containers such as kettles.
LOCALISMSlocalisms n. Plural of localism.
LOCALISM n. a custom peculiar to a locality.
MESICALLYMESIC adv. relating to a moderate supply of moisture.
METALLICSmetallics n. Plural of metallic.
METALLIC n. a fabric made or coated with metal.
MILLCAKESMILLCAKE n. a residue from pressed linseed.
MILLRACESmillraces n. Plural of millrace.
mill-races n. Plural of mill-race.
mill␣races n. Plural of mill race.
MILLSCALEMILLSCALE n. scale formed on iron or steel from heating for forging.
MISCALLEDmiscalled v. Simple past tense and past participle of miscall.
MISCALL v. to call by a wrong name.
MISCALLERmiscaller n. One who calls something by the wrong name.
miscaller n. (Poker) One who makes an incorrect call.
MISCALLER n. one who miscalls.
MUSICALLYmusically adv. In a musical manner.
musically adv. In terms of music.
MUSICAL adv. relating to music.
OSMICALLYOSMICALLY adv. relating to the sense of smell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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