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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2I, L, M and N

ADMINICLEadminicle n. Something that aids or supports.
adminicle n. An auxiliary.
adminicle n. (Scotland, law) Corroborative proof.
ANALCIMICANALCIMIC adj. of or like analcime, a mineral of the zeolite family.
ANGLICISManglicism n. An Englishism: a word or other feature originating in the English language that has been borrowed by another language.
anglicism n. A Briticism: a word or other feature in the English language that is specific to, or characteristic…
anglicism n. A cultural aspect typical of the English people.
CALCIMINEcalcimine n. A form of whitewash (inexpensive white paint) made from calcium carbonate, glue and water, used to coat…
calcimine v. To coat with this substance.
CALCIMINE n. (tradename) a kind of whitewash or colour wash for walls, also KALSOMINE.
CAMPANILIcampanili n. Plural of campanile.
CAMPANILE n. (Italian) a freestanding bell tower on church property.
CLIMATINGCLIMATE v. to remain in a certain place.
CLIMAXINGclimaxing v. Present participle of climax.
CLIMAX v. to reach a high point.
CRIMINALScriminals n. Plural of criminal.
CRIMINAL n. one who has committed a crime.
DOMINICALdominical adj. Of or pertaining to Jesus Christ as Lord.
dominical adj. (Archaic) Of or pertaining to the Lord’s Day, Sunday.
dominical adj. (Historical) Of or pertaining to the ancient system of dominical letters, used for determining Sundays…
MEDICINALmedicinal adj. Having the properties of medicine, or pertaining to medicine; medical.
medicinal adj. Tending or used to cure disease or relieve pain.
medicinal adj. Tasting like medicine; particularly of unpleasant or artificial sweet or bitter flavours similar to…
MELANITICmelanitic adj. Relating to the mineral picotite.
MELANITIC adj. of or like melanite, a black variety of garnet.
MILITANCEmilitance n. (Uncountable) The condition of being militant.
militance n. (Countable) A hostile or warlike act.
MILITANCE n. the condition or fact of being militant, esp. in pursuing a political or social end, also MILITANCY.
MILITANCYmilitancy n. The quality of being militant.
MILITANCY n. the condition or fact of being militant, esp. in pursuing a political or social end, also MILITANCE.
MUNICIPALmunicipal adj. Of or pertaining to a municipality (a city or a corporation having the right of administering local government).
municipal adj. Of or pertaining to the internal affairs of a nation.
municipal n. (Finance) A financial instrument issued by a municipality.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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