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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, C, H, O, R and 2T

ATHROCYTEathrocyte n. (Biology) A cell that ingests foreign particles.
ATHROCYTE n. a cell having the ability to move and store foreign matter.
CHARLOTTEcharlotte n. A dessert consisting of sponge cake filled with fruit, and cream or custard.
Charlotte prop.n. A female given name from French.
Charlotte prop.n. A civil parish of Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
CUTTHROATcutthroat n. A murderer who slits the throats of victims.
cutthroat n. An unscrupulous, ruthless or unethical person.
cutthroat n. (Uncountable) A three-player pocket billiards game where the object is to be the last player with at…
PORCHETTAporchetta n. A savory and moist boneless pork roast, part of Italian cuisine.
PORCHETTA n. (Italian) seasoned boneless roast pork cut from a whole roast pig.
RHOTACISTRHOTACIST n. one whose speech shows rhotacism.
ROTACHUTEROTACHUTE n. a parachute-like device where the chute is replaced by rotors.
THEOCRATStheocrats n. Plural of theocrat.
THEOCRAT n. a divine or deified ruler.
TRAYCLOTHtraycloth n. A cloth laid across a tray on which to serve dishes, food etc.
TRAYCLOTH n. a cloth for covering a tray.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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