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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, C, H, L, N, O and R

ANTICHLORantichlor n. (Chemistry) Any substance used to remove excess chlorine or hypochlorite from textiles etc after bleaching;…
ANTICHLOR n. any substance used in removing the excess of chlorine left in paper pulp or stuffs after bleaching.
BRONCHIALbronchial adj. Of or relating to the bronchi or bronchioles.
BRONCHIAL adj. belonging to the bronchi and their ramifications in the lungs.
CHALDRONSchaldrons n. Plural of chaldron.
CHALDRON n. an old unit of capacity, equal to 36 heaped bushels, also CHALDER.
CHLORACNEchloracne n. (Pathology) A form of acne caused by exposure to halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons.
CHLORACNE n. a type of disfiguring skin disease, caused by contact with chlorinated hydrocarbon.
CHLORDANEchlordane n. (Organic chemistry) A very toxic chlorinated polycyclic hydrocarbon once used as an insecticide.
CHLORDANE n. a highly poisonous liquid insecticide, also CHLORDAN.
CHLORDANSchlordans n. Plural of chlordan.
CHLORDAN n. a toxic compound of chlorine, used as an insecticide.
CHRONICALchronical adj. Obsolete form of chronic.
chronical n. Misspelling of chronicle.
chronical v. Misspelling of chronicle.
COTHURNALCOTHURNAL adj. like a cothurnus.
ENCHORIALenchorial adj. Indigenous, native.
enchorial adj. (Archaic) Of, relating to, or written in the Egyptian Demotic script or language.
ENCHORIAL adj. belonging to or used in a country; domestic, also ENCHORIC.
HOLANDRICholandric adj. (Genetics, of a trait) Encoded by genes on the Y chromosome and thus transmitted from father to son.
HOLANDRIC adj. transmitted by a gene in the nonhomologous portion of the Y chromosome.
MONARCHALmonarchal adj. Alternative form of monarchical.
MONARCHAL adj. pertaining to a monarch, ruling alone, also MONARCHIC.
RHONCHIALrhonchial adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to a rhonchus; produced by rhonchi.
RHONCHIAL adj. of or relating to snoring, also RHONCHAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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