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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, C, H, I, L, O and T

ACOLUTHICacoluthic adj. Pertaining to a residual sense impression immediately following a stimulus, as with an afterimage.
ACOLUTHIC adj. pertaining to an afterimage or other aftersensation, also ACOLOUTHIC.
ACROLITHSacroliths n. Plural of acrolith.
ACROLITH n. (Greek) a statue with a wooden trunk and stone head and extremities.
ANTICHLORantichlor n. (Chemistry) Any substance used to remove excess chlorine or hypochlorite from textiles etc after bleaching;…
ANTICHLOR n. any substance used in removing the excess of chlorine left in paper pulp or stuffs after bleaching.
ARCHIVOLTarchivolt n. (Architecture) An ornamental molding or band following the curve on the underside of an arch.
ARCHIVOLT n. a curved moulding on the face of an arch.
ARCTOPHILARCTOPHIL n. a lover or collector of teddy-bears, also ARCTOPHILE.
CATHOLICSCatholics n. Plural of Catholic.
CATHOLIC n. a member of the early Christian church.
CHELATIONchelation n. (Chemistry) the formation of a polydentate chelate compound from a metal salt.
chelation n. (Medicine) the use of this process to remove metal ions from solution, especially to counter poisoning…
CHELATION n. the action of forming a chelate.
CHICALOTEchicalote n. Argemone munita, a species of prickly poppy native to California.
CHICALOTE n. (Nahuatl) a prickly poppy of the SW US.
CHIPOLATAchipolata n. A type of sausage from Europe, typically of seasoned coarsely ground pork.
CHIPOLATA n. a small, often spicy sausage.
CHORALISTchoralist n. A singer or composer of chorals.
CHORALIST n. a member of a choir, also CHORIST, CHORISTER, QUIRISTER.
HAIRCLOTHhaircloth n. Cloth made of the mane or tail hairs of a horse.
HAIRCLOTH n. stuff or cloth made wholly or in part of hair.
HALITOTIChalitotic adj. Afflicted with halitosis.
HALITOTIC adj. relating to halitosis, bad breath.
HAPLONTIChaplontic adj. (Biology) Describing an organism that is haploid for most of its life cycle but that briefly has a diploid zygote.
HAPLONTIC adj. of or like a haplont, an organism having a particular chromosomal structure.
LACCOLITHlaccolith n. (Geology) A mass of igneous or volcanic rock found within strata which forces the overlaying strata…
laccolith n. A mass similar to lopolith but concave up.
LACCOLITH n. a mass of igneous rock intruded between two sedimentary beds, also LACCOLITE.
PATCHOULIpatchouli n. Any of several East Indian plants in the genus Pogostemon, especially Pogostemon cablin, which yield…
patchouli n. The oil or perfume made from these plants.
PATCHOULI n. (Tamil) an Asiatic tree with a fragrant perfume oil; the resulting perfume, also PACHOULI, PATCHOULY.
PHACOLITEphacolite n. (Mineralogy) A colourless variety of chabazite.
PHACOLITE n. a colorless variety of chabazite, a mineral of the zeolite group.
PHACOLITHphacolith n. (Geology) A lens-shaped mass that occurs in an anticlinal crest or synclinal trough.
PHACOLITH n. an intrusive mass of igneous rock situated between strata at the top of an anticline or the bottom of a syncline.
SAILCLOTHsailcloth n. A strong, durable fabric suitable for making sails for ships or boats.
SAILCLOTH n. duck or canvas used in making sails.
SCHOLIASTscholiast n. A scholar who writes commentary on the works of an author, especially one of the ancient commentators…
SCHOLIAST n. a commentator; a writer of marginal notes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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