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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, C, H, I, L, N and T

AILANTHICAILANTHIC adj. of or like the ailanthus tree.
ANTICHLORantichlor n. (Chemistry) Any substance used to remove excess chlorine or hypochlorite from textiles etc after bleaching;…
ANTICHLOR n. any substance used in removing the excess of chlorine left in paper pulp or stuffs after bleaching.
CATCHLINEcatchline n. A short line of text designed to catch the eye, especially one used as an advertising slogan.
catchline n. (Printing) A temporary note at the top of a page or galley proof to identify it.
CATCHLINE n. a slogan, esp. in advertising or politics.
CHAINLETSchainlets n. Plural of chainlet.
CHAINLET n. a small chain.
CHANTILLYChantilly prop.n. (Geography) A city in the Oise department, Hauts-de-France, France, formerly in Picardy.
Chantilly prop.n. An unincorporated community in Lincoln County, Missouri, United States.
Chantilly prop.n. A neighbourhood of Charlotte, North Carolina, United States.
CHATELAINchatelain n. Synonym of castellan: the lord of a castle; a caretaker entrusted to oversee a castle for its lord.
Chatelain prop.n. A surname.
CHATELAIN n. (French) the governor of a castle or fortification, also CASTELLAN.
CHATLINESchatlines n. Plural of chatline.
CHATLINE n. a television service in which callers contact each other through a monitored central switchboard.
CHELATINGchelating adj. Having the ability to undergo chelation.
CHELATE v. to combine a metal ion with a compound.
CHELATIONchelation n. (Chemistry) the formation of a polydentate chelate compound from a metal salt.
chelation n. (Medicine) the use of this process to remove metal ions from solution, especially to counter poisoning…
CHELATION n. the action of forming a chelate.
CLATCHINGclatching v. Present participle of clatch.
CLATCH v. (Scots) to dabble or work into a miry matter.
CLIANTHUSclianthus n. Any plant of the genus Clianthus.
Clianthus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – flowering plants in the legume family, comprising two…
CLIANTHUS n. (Latin) any climbing shrub of the genus Clianthus.
HAPLONTIChaplontic adj. (Biology) Describing an organism that is haploid for most of its life cycle but that briefly has a diploid zygote.
HAPLONTIC adj. of or like a haplont, an organism having a particular chromosomal structure.
HATCHLINGhatchling n. A newly hatched bird, reptile or other animal that has emerged from an egg.
HATCHLING n. a creature just hatched.
SNATCHILYsnatchily adv. In a snatchy manner.
SNATCHY adv. irregular, in snatches.
TECHNICALtechnical adj. Specifically related to a particular discipline.
technical adj. Of or related to technology.
technical adj. (Of a person) Technically-minded; adept with science and technology.
THINCLADSTHINCLAD n. a runner on a track team.
THYLACINEthylacine n. The carnivorous marsupial Thylacinus cynocephalus which was native to Tasmania, now extinct.
THYLACINE n. the Tasmanian wolf.
TRICHINALtrichinal adj. Of or relating to a trichina.
TRICHINAL adj. relating to a trichina, a small, slender nematoid worm.
UNETHICALunethical adj. Breaching the established standards of conduct or behavior within a particular organization or profession.
unethical adj. Immoral, morally wrong.
UNETHICAL adj. not ethical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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