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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing A, C, H, 2I, N and P

APHANITICaphanitic adj. (Geology, petrology) Pertaining to aphanites, igneous rocks composed of microscopic mineral crystals…
APHANITIC adj. of igneous rocks, like aphanite, fine-grained.
CHINCAPINchincapin n. Alternative form of chinquapin.
CHINCAPIN n. (Native American) the dwarf chestnut of the US, also CHINKAPIN, CHINQUAPIN.
CHINKAPINchinkapin n. Alternative form of chinquapin.
CHINKAPIN n. (Native American) the dwarf chestnut of the US, also CHINCAPIN, CHINQUAPIN.
DIAPHONICdiaphonic adj. Of or pertaining to diaphony.
diaphonic adj. (Phonology) Of or pertaining to diaphones.
DIAPHONIC adj. relating to diaphony, two-part polyphony.
EPICANTHIepicanthi n. Plural of epicanthus.
EPICANTHUS n. a fold of skin over the inner canthus of the eye.
EPIPHANICepiphanic adj. Having the character of an epiphany.
EPIPHANIC adj. of or like an epiphany, a sudden revelation.
PHYSICIANphysician n. A practitioner of physic, i.e. a specialist in internal medicine, especially as opposed to a surgeon;…
physician n. A medical doctor trained in human medicine.
PHYSICIAN n. a doctor; someone legally qualified to practise medicine, also PHYSICIANER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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