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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, C, G, 2N, O and T

ACTIONINGactioning v. Present participle of action.
ACTION v. to carry out.
CANTONINGcantoning v. Present participle of canton.
CANTON v. to divide into districts.
CARTONINGcartoning v. Present participle of carton.
CARTON v. to pack in a cardboard box.
COGNATIONcognation n. (Now chiefly linguistics) A cognate relationship.
COGNATION n. relationship by blood; descent from the same original.
COGNISANTcognisant adj. Alternative spelling of cognizant.
COGNISANT adj. aware, conscious of, also COGNIZANT.
COGNIZANTcognizant adj. Aware; fully informed; having understanding of a fact.
cognizant adj. Sapient; self-aware.
COGNIZANT adj. having cognizance or knowledge, also COGNISANT.
CONJUGANTconjugant n. (Genetics) A gamete that undergoes conjugation.
CONJUGANT n. one of a pair of cells undergoing conjugation.
CONTAGIONcontagion n. A disease spread by contact.
contagion n. The spread or transmission of such a disease.
contagion n. (Figuratively, by extension) The spread of anything likened to a contagious disease.
CONTANGOScontangos n. Plural of contango.
CONTANGO n. the premium or interest paid by a buyer of stock to the seller, to be allowed to defer payment.
COTANGENTcotangent n. (Trigonometry) In a right triangle, the reciprocal of the tangent of an angle. Symbols: cot, ctg, or ctn.
COTANGENT n. the tangent of the complement of an arc or angle.
GNATHONICgnathonic adj. (Obsolete) Deceitful; flattering.
GNATHONIC adj. (obsolete) flattering, also GNATHONICAL.
INCOGNITAincognita n. A woman who is unknown or in disguise.
incognita n. (Of a woman) The state of being in disguise. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
incognita adj. Of a woman: without being known; in an assumed character, or under an assumed title; in disguise.
NEGOCIANTnegociant n. (Wine) A wine merchant who purchases grapes, grape juice, or wine in bulk from vineyards, and bottles…
NEGOCIANT n. (French) a merchant esp. a wine merchant.
NONACTINGnonacting adj. Not acting.
nonacting adj. Not of or pertaining to acting.
NONACTING n. acting that is of poor quality or does not conform to conventional ideas of what constitutes acting.
NONTRAGICnontragic adj. (Literature) Not tragic.
NONTRAGIC adj. not tragic.
UNCOATINGuncoating n. (Virology) A process in which the viral capsid of a virus is removed, leading to the release of the…
uncoating v. Present participle of uncoat.
UNCOATING n. the action of releasing viral nucleic acid from a virus or exposing the interior of a virus enough to facilitate replication by stripping away the outer layers of the viral coat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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