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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, C, G, I, N, S and U

ACCURSINGaccursing v. Present participle of accurse.
ACCURSE v. to make cursed.
CALLUSINGcallusing v. Present participle of callus.
CALLUS v. to form a hard growth.
CAMPUSINGcampusing v. Present participle of campus.
CAMPUS v. (Latin) to restrict a student to the school ground.
CAPSULINGcapsuling v. Present participle of capsule.
CAPSULE v. to condense into a brief form.
CAROUSINGcarousing v. Present participle of carouse.
carousing n. Carousal.
CAROUSING adj. making merry.
CAUCUSINGcaucusing v. Present participle of caucus.
CAUCUS v. to hold a political meeting.
CAULKINGScaulkings n. Plural of caulking.
CAULKING n. the material used to caulk the seams of a ship.
CHIAUSINGchiausing v. Present participle of chiaus.
CHIAUS v. to cheat, swindle.
CHURINGASchuringas n. Plural of churinga.
CHURINGA n. (Native Australian) a sacred amulet of the Australian aborigines.
COUSINAGEcousinage n. (Obsolete) relationship; kinship.
COUSINAGE n. relationship; kinship.
CRUSADINGcrusading v. Present participle of crusade.
CRUSADE v. to engage in a holy war.
GUIDANCESguidances n. Plural of guidance.
GUIDANCE n. advice.
LINGUICASlinguicas n. Plural of linguica.
linguiças n. Plural of linguiça.
LINGUICA n. a spicy Portuguese sausage, also LINGUISA.
SUBACTINGsubacting v. Present participle of subact.
SUBACT v. to subdue.
SURFACINGsurfacing v. Present participle of surface.
surfacing n. Material used to make a surface.
surfacing n. The act of coming above the surface.
UNCASTINGuncasting v. Present participle of uncast.
UNCAST v. to undo the process of casting; to take back a cast.
UNCEASINGunceasing adj. Continuous; continuing indefinitely without stopping.
UNCEASING adj. not ceasing.
UNSCALINGunscaling v. Present participle of unscale.
UNSCALE v. to remove the scales from.
UPCASTINGupcasting v. Present participle of upcast.
UPCAST v. to cast up.
UPSCALINGupscaling v. Present participle of upscale.
upscaling n. The act by which something is upscaled; an increase in size or numbers.
UPSCALE v. to appeal to wealthy customers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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