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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, C, F, 2I, R and T

ACETIFIERacetifier n. An apparatus for hastening acetification.
ACETIFIER n. an agent that acetifies, converts into acid or vinegar.
ARTIFICERartificer n. Someone who is skilled in their trade; an artisan.
artificer n. An inventor.
artificer n. A member of the military who specializes in manufacturing and repairing weapon systems.
ARTIFICESartifices n. Plural of artifice.
ARTIFICE n. a clever stratagem.
CHAIRLIFTchairlift n. A continuously moving series of open seats, slung from overhead cables, used to transport people (especially…
chair-lift n. Alternative form of chairlift.
chair␣lift n. Alternative form of chairlift.
FRICATIVEfricative n. (Phonetics) Any of several sounds produced by air flowing through a constriction in the oral cavity…
fricative adj. (Phonetics) produced by air flowing through a restriction in the oral cavity.
FRICATIVE n. a sound produced by the forcing of air through a restricted passage, as with 'f'.
LATICIFERlaticifer n. (Botany) a type of elongated secretory cell found in the leaves and/or stems of plants that produce…
LATICIFER n. a cell or group of cells containing latex.
TACKIFIERtackifier n. (Manufacturing, chemistry) A tackiness agent; a substance which is added in order to increase tack.
TACKIFIER n. something for making a resin tacky or more tacky.
TRIFACIALtrifacial adj. Trigeminal.
trifacial n. (Neuroanatomy) trigeminal nerve.
TRIFACIAL adj. threefold and relating to the face.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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