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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, N, R, T and Y

ALECTRYONAlectryon prop.n. (Greek mythology) A youth charged by Ares to stand guard outside his door while the god indulged in…
Alectryon prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Sapindaceae – trees and shrubs native to southeast Asia and Australia.
ALECTRYON n. a sapindaceous tree of Australasia, Southeast Asia, and Micronesia.
ANCIENTRYancientry n. (Archaic) The quality or fact of being ancient or very old.
ancientry n. (Archaic) Old-fashioned style, elaborate ceremony.
ancientry n. (Archaic) Elderly people, elders, ancients (collectively).
BARONETCYbaronetcy n. The rank of a baronet.
BARONETCY n. the office of a baronet.
CABINETRYcabinetry n. The craft of making high-quality wooden furniture; cabinetmaking.
cabinetry n. High-quality wooden furniture; cabinetwork.
CABINETRY n. cabinetwork.
CARPENTRYcarpentry n. (Uncountable) The trade of cutting and joining timber in order to construct buildings or other structures;…
carpentry n. (Countable) A carpenter’s workshop.
carpentry n. (Uncountable) A collection of timber connected by being framed together, as the pieces of a roof, floor…
CENTENARYcentenary adj. Of or related to the number one hundred, particularly.
centenary n. (Obsolete) Synonym of centurion: An officer commanding 100 men, especially (historical) in the Roman army.
centenary n. (Obsolete) Synonym of century: a period of 100 years.
CENTRALLYcentrally adv. (Location) In a central manner or situation; at, to, through or from the centre.
CENTRAL adv. in the middle.
CERTAINLYcertainly adv. In a way which is certain; with certainty.
certainly adv. Without doubt, surely.
certainly adv. An emphatic affirmative answer; of course.
CERTAINTYcertainty n. The state of being certain.
certainty n. An instance of being certain.
certainty n. A fact or truth unquestionably established.
CRENATELYCRENATE adv. having a notched or scalloped edge, also CRENATED.
CYANURATEcyanurate n. (Biochemistry) A compound formed with cyanuric acid.
cyanurate n. (Biochemistry) The anion formed by the deprotonation of cyanuric acid.
CYANURATE n. a chemical derived from cyanide.
CYANURETScyanurets n. Plural of cyanuret.
CYANURET n. (obsolete) cyanide.
CYBERNATEcybernate v. (Transitive) To automate (An industrial process, etc.) using a computer system.
CYBERNATE v. to control by means of a computer.
CYBERNAUTcybernaut n. A voyager in cyberspace; a user of the Internet or virtual reality.
CYBERNAUT n. a person using the Internet.
DAYCENTREday␣centre n. (UK) a place providing care, attention and recreation facilities during the day for people who aren’t…
DAYCENTRE n. a building used for daycare.
ETHNARCHYethnarchy n. A population and area of land governed by a single ruler, called an ethnarch, and in which the population…
ETHNARCHY n. the dominion of an ethnarch.
INSECTARYinsectary n. A place for keeping living insects.
INSECTARY n. a place for keeping living insects, also INSECTARIUM.
ITINERACYitineracy n. Alternative spelling of itinerancy.
ITINERACY n. making journeys from place to place, also ITINERANCY.
PENTARCHYpentarchy n. (Politics) Government by five persons.
pentarchy n. A governing body consisting of five persons.
pentarchy n. A federation of five nations, each under its own government or ruler.
TRANCEDLYtrancedly adv. (Obsolete) While entranced.
TRANCED adv. TRANCE, to put into a semiconscious state.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 49 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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