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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, 2M, O and S

AMMOCETESammocetes n. Plural of ammocete.
AMMOCETE n. the larva of a lamprey.
CAMOMILEScamomiles n. Plural of camomile.
CAMOMILE n. a creeping aromatic plant of the composite family, with yellow-centred white-rayed flowers, formerly much grown for its fragrance, also CHAMOMILE.
COMMENSALcommensal adj. (Ecology) Of a form of symbiosis in which one organism derives a benefit while the other is unaffected.
commensal adj. Eating at the same table.
commensal n. (Ecology) An organism partaking in a commensal relationship.
MAMELUCOSmamelucos n. Plural of mameluco.
mamelucos n. Overalls.
MAMELUCO n. (Portuguese) a child born of a white father and Indian mother, also MAMELUKE, MAMLUK.
MYCETOMASmycetomas n. Plural of mycetoma.
MYCETOMA n. a chronic fungus infection leading to nodules that discharge oily pus.
SACHEMDOMsachemdom n. The government or jurisdiction of a sachem.
SACHEMDOM n. the government or jurisdiction of a sachem.
SEMICOMASsemicomas n. Plural of semicoma.
SEMICOMA n. a coma from which a person can be aroused.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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