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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, L, M, O and T

CALMSTONEcalmstone n. (Colloquial) A sandstone, shale, or mudstone that forms in layers that are easily split into flagstones.
CALMSTONE n. (Scots) a white argillaceous stone used for whitening doorsteps, also CALMSTANE, CAMSTANE, CAMSTONE, CAUMSTANE, CAUMSTONE.
CAMOUFLETcamouflet n. (Military) The resulting cavity in a deep underground burst when there is no rupture of the surface.
CAMOUFLET n. (French) a mine used to destroy an underground enemy emplacement.
CHAMELOTSchamelots n. Plural of chamelot.
CHAMELOT n. (Spenser) a strong waterproof silk or wool fabric, also CAMELOT, CAMLET, CHAMLET.
COELOMATAcoelomata n. Plural of coeloma.
cœlomata n. Plural of cœloma.
COELOM n. (Greek) a body cavity in some animals, also CELOM, COELOME.
COELOMATEcoelomate n. (Zoology) Any animal possessing a fluid-filled cavity within which the digestive system is suspended.
coelomate adj. (Zoology) Having a coelom.
cœlomate n. (Zoology) A group of animals possessing a fluid-filled cavity within which the digestive system is suspended.
COLLIMATEcollimate v. To focus into a narrow beam or column; to adjust a focusing device so that it produces a narrow beam.
COLLIMATE v. to make parallel; to adjust accurately the line of sight of (an optical instrument, such as a surveying telescope).
COLUMBATEcolumbate n. (Chemistry) A salt of columbic acid; a niobate.
COLUMBATE n. a salt of columbic acid; a niobate.
COMATULAEcomatulae n. Plural of comatula.
COMATULA n. (Latin) a type of crinoid, aka feather star, also COMATULID.
COMPLEATScompleats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of compleat.
COMPLEAT v. (archaic) to complete.
COMPTABLECOMPTABLE adj. (obsolete) countable, also COMPTIBLE, COUNTABLE.
ECTOPLASMectoplasm n. (Parapsychology) A visible substance believed to emanate from the body of a spiritualistic medium during…
ectoplasm n. (Parapsychology) An immaterial or ethereal substance, especially the transparent corporeal presence…
ectoplasm n. (Cytology) The outer granule-free layer of cytoplasm.
LATECOMERlatecomer n. One who has arrived comparatively recently.
latecomer n. One who arrived late.
LATECOMER n. one who arrives late.
MELANOTICmelanotic adj. Relating to melanosis.
MELANOTIC adj. dark-complexioned, also MELANOUS.
METABOLICmetabolic adj. Of or pertaining to metamorphosis; pertaining to, or involving, change.
metabolic adj. Of or pertaining to metabolism.
metabolic n. (Informal) A nutritional supplement.
MISLOCATEmislocate v. (Transitive) To locate incorrectly.
MISLOCATE v. to locate in the wrong place.
MOLECASTSmolecasts n. Plural of molecast.
MOLECAST n. a little elevation of earth made by a mole, also MOLEHILL.
MOSCHATELmoschatel n. Adoxa moschatellina, a plant of the genus Adoxa, with pale green flowers and a musky smell.
MOSCHATEL n. a plant of the genus Adoxa, the flowers of which are pale green, and have a faint musky smell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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