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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, 2L, R and U

ACELLULARacellular adj. Not composed of cells; not cellular.
ACELLULAR adj. not containing or made up of cells.
BRUCELLAEbrucellae n. Plural of brucella.
BRUCELLA n. Any of a genus of harmful bacteria.
BRUCELLASbrucellas n. Plural of brucella.
BRUCELLA n. Any of a genus of harmful bacteria.
CAREFULLYcarefully adv. (Obsolete) Sorrowfully.
carefully adv. With care; attentively, circumspectly.
CAREFUL adv. cautious.
CELLAROUScellarous adj. Like or belonging to a cellar.
CELLAROUS adj. (Dickens) belonging to a cellar; sunken, cavernous.
CELLULARScellulars n. Plural of cellular.
CELLULAR n. a mobile phone.
CURVEBALLcurveball n. (Baseball) A forespin pitch thrown by rotating the index and middle fingers down and resulting in motion down "curve".
curveball n. (By extension, chiefly US) An unexpected turn of events initiated by an opponent or chance; an exception or outlier.
curveball v. (Baseball) To throw a curveball.
MOLECULARmolecular adj. (Chemistry) Relating to, or consisting of, or produced by molecules.
molecular adj. (Chemistry) (of an element) Combined with itself and with no other element; elemental.
molecular adj. Relating to a simple or basic structure or organization.
NUCLEOLARnucleolar adj. Of or pertaining to the nucleolus.
NUCLEOLAR adj. of or pertaining to the nucleolus of a cell.
SCUTELLARscutellar adj. Relating to the scutellum.
scutellar n. (Entomology) Short for scutellar bristles.
SCUTELLAR adj. like a scutella, a small scute, a hard exoskeletal plate.
SECULARLYsecularly adv. In a secular fashion.
SECULAR adv. not spiritual.
SUBCELLARsubcellar n. A cellar beneath another storey wholly or partly underground; usually, a cellar under a cellar.
SUBCELLAR n. a subdivision of a cellar.
UNCLEARLYunclearly adv. In an unclear manner.
UNCLEAR adv. not clear.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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