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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, I, N, T and V

ADVECTINGadvecting v. Present participle of advect.
ADVECT v. to transport by the flow of a fluid.
ADVECTIONadvection n. (Earth science, chemistry) The horizontal movement of a body of atmosphere (or other fluid) along with…
advection n. (Physics) The transport of a scalar by bulk fluid motion.
ADVECTION n. the horizontal movement of air.
CAVEATINGcaveating n. (Fencing) Shifting the sword from one side of an adversary’s sword to the other.
caveating v. Present participle of caveat.
CAVEAT v. (Latin) to enter a type of legal notice.
CISTVAENScistvaens n. Plural of cistvaen.
CISTVAEN n. (Welsh) a tomb covered with stone slabs, also KISTVAEN.
EVOCATINGevocating v. Present participle of evocate.
EVOCATE v. to evoke.
EVOCATIONevocation n. The act of calling out or forth, or evoking.
EVOCATION n. the act of calling out or forth.
INCURVATEincurvate adj. Bending inwards.
incurvate adj. Curved; bent; crooked.
incurvate v. (Transitive) To bend (especially inwards); to give a curved shape to.
INVOCATEDinvocated v. Simple past tense and past participle of invocate.
INVOCATE v. to appeal to for help, also INVOKE.
INVOCATESinvocates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of invocate.
INVOCATE v. to appeal to for help, also INVOKE.
NAVICERTSnavicerts n. Plural of navicert.
NAVICERT n. a document permitting a neutral vessel passage through a naval blockade.
NONACTIVEnonactive adj. Not active; inactive; inert.
NONACTIVE adj. not active.
NOVICIATEnoviciate n. Alternative form of novitiate.
NOVICIATE n. the state of being a (religious) novice, also NOVITIATE.
UNACTIVEDUNACTIVE v. to make (a person) inactive.
UNACTIVESUNACTIVE v. to make (a person) inactive.
VACCINATEvaccinate v. (Transitive) To treat (a person or an animal) with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease.
VACCINATE v. to inoculate with a vaccine.
VENATICALvenatical adj. Alternative form of venatic.
VENATICAL adj. related to hunting, also VENATIC.
VENTIFACTventifact n. A pebble or little stone shaped and polished by wind-blown sand.
VENTIFACT n. a stone polished by windblown sand.
VESICANTSvesicants n. Plural of vesicant.
VESICANT n. any agent that induces blistering.
VINDICATEvindicate v. (Transitive) To clear of an accusation, suspicion or criticism.
vindicate v. (Transitive) To justify by providing evidence.
vindicate v. (Transitive) To maintain or defend (a cause) against opposition.
VULCANITEvulcanite n. A hard rubber made by vulcanization with sulfur; ebonite.
vulcanite n. (Mineralogy) A rare mineral, copper telluride.
VULCANITE n. hard rubber produced by vulcanizing with a large proportion of sulphur.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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