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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, H, M, O and T

CHAMELOTSchamelots n. Plural of chamelot.
CHAMELOT n. (Spenser) a strong waterproof silk or wool fabric, also CAMELOT, CAMLET, CHAMLET.
CHEMOSTATchemostat n. (Biochemistry) An apparatus for the continuous culture of microorganisms in a steady state.
chemostat v. (Chemistry) To keep the concentration of a chemical constant.
CHEMOSTAT n. an apparatus for growing cultures of bacteria etc.
CHROMATESchromates n. Plural of chromate.
CHROMATE n. a compound of chromium.
FORTHCAMEforthcame v. Simple past tense of forthcome.
FORTHCOME v. (obsolete) to come forth.
HAEMOCYTEhaemocyte n. Alternative spelling of hemocyte.
HAEMOCYTE n. a blood cell, esp. a red cell, also HEMOCYTE.
HECATOMBShecatombs n. Plural of hecatomb.
HECATOMB n. a great public sacrifice.
HECTOGRAMhectogram n. (Metrology) An SI unit of mass equal to 102 grams. Symbol: hg.
HECTOGRAM n. a measure of weight, containing a hundred grams, also HECTOGRAMME, HEKTOGRAM.
HOMECRAFThomecraft n. (Countable) A homemade handicraft.
homecraft n. (Uncountable) The art of homemaking.
HOMECRAFT n. a craft practised at home.
METARCHONMETARCHON n. a nontoxic substance, such as a chemical to mask pheromones, that reduces the persistence of a pest.
METHANOICmethanoic adj. Of or pertaining to methanoic acid or its derivatives; formic.
METHANOIC adj. as in methanoic acid, formic acid.
MOSCHATELmoschatel n. Adoxa moschatellina, a plant of the genus Adoxa, with pale green flowers and a musky smell.
MOSCHATEL n. a plant of the genus Adoxa, the flowers of which are pale green, and have a faint musky smell.
MOUSTACHEmoustache n. A growth of facial hair between the nose and the upper lip.
MOUSTACHE n. the unshaved hair on a man's upper lip, also MUSTACHE.
OMPHACITEomphacite n. (Mineralogy) Any of a range of green, monoclinic pyroxene minerals found in eclogites and similar rocks;…
OMPHACITE n. a grass-green pyroxene.
OVERMATCHovermatch v. To match more than intended.
overmatch v. To be more than equal to or a match for, to surpass; hence, to conquer, vanquish.
overmatch v. To marry to a superior.
STOMACHEDstomached v. Simple past tense and past participle of stomach.
STOMACH v. to tolerate.
STOMACHERstomacher n. (Obsolete) A type of men’s waistcoat.
stomacher n. (Now chiefly historical) An ornamental cloth, often embellished with embroidery or jewelry, worn over…
stomacher n. A similar item of mail worn over and protecting the stomach.
THEOMACHYtheomachy n. A fight against the gods, as the mythological battle of the giants against the gods.
theomachy n. A battle among gods.
theomachy n. Opposition to divine will.
THEOMANCYtheomancy n. (Historical) A kind of divination drawn from the responses of oracles.
THEOMANCY n. divination by means of oracles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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