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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, H, 2I and N

ACHIEVINGachieving v. Present participle of achieve.
achieving n. Achievements, emphasizing the process of accomplishing them.
ACHIEVE v. to carry out successfully.
CHIEFTAINchieftain n. A leader of a clan or tribe.
chieftain n. (By extension) A leader of a group.
CHIEFTAIN n. the head of a clan; a leader or commander.
CHIMINEASchimineas n. Plural of chiminea.
CHIMINEA n. a freestanding fireplace for outdoor use.
EPICANTHIepicanthi n. Plural of epicanthus.
EPICANTHUS n. a fold of skin over the inner canthus of the eye.
EPIPHANICepiphanic adj. Having the character of an epiphany.
EPIPHANIC adj. of or like an epiphany, a sudden revelation.
ETHICIANSethicians n. Plural of ethician.
ETHICIAN n. an expert upon ethics, also ETHICIST.
HELICONIAheliconia n. Any of genus Heliconia of flowering plants.
HELICONIA n. a tropical flowering plant.
HEMATINIChematinic adj. (Medicine) That improves the quality of blood, especially by increasing the amount of hemoglobin or…
hematinic n. (Medicine) Any substance that has this effect.
HEMATINIC n. a substance having the effect of increasing the haemoglobin or of stimulating the production of red blood cells, also HAEMATINIC.
TRICHINAEtrichinae n. Plural of trichina.
TRICHINA n. (Greek) a type of nematode worm parasitic in rat, pig, and man.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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