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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, G, I, R and U

CIGUATERAciguatera n. A foodborne poisoning in humans caused by eating marine species whose flesh is contaminated with ciguatoxin.
CIGUATERA n. (Spanish) poisoning caused by the ingestion of various normally edible tropical fish in whose flesh a toxin has accumulated.
CURTILAGEcurtilage n. (Law) The area immediately surrounding a house, especially dooryard areas and sometimes including closely…
CURTILAGE n. an area of land encompassing a dwelling and its surrounding yard, considered as enclosed whether fenced or not.
GAUCHERIEgaucherie n. (Countable) A socially tactless or awkward act.
gaucherie n. (Uncountable) Lack of tact; tactlessness; awkwardness.
GAUCHERIE n. (French) an awkward or socially unacceptable remark.
GENICULARgenicular adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the knee.
genicular adj. Relating to a geniculum.
GENICULAR adj. relating to the knee.
GRATICULEgraticule n. A grid of horizontal and vertical lines.
graticule n. (Specifically, optics, Britain) A reticle.
graticule n. (Specifically, geography) The network of lines of latitude and longitude that make up a coordinate system…
MEGACURIEmegacurie n. The unit of radioactivity equal to one million curies.
MEGACURIE n. a unit of radiation, a million curies.
NEURALGICneuralgic adj. (Neurology, pathology) Pertaining to or affected by neuralgia.
neuralgic n. A person afflicted by neuralgia.
NEURALGIC adj. of or pertaining to, or having the character of, neuralgia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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