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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2E, 2R and U

BARBECUERbarbecuer n. One who (or a device which) barbecues.
BARBECUER n. one who barbecues.
CREATUREScreatures n. Plural of creature.
creätures n. Plural of creäture.
CREATURE n. a living being.
CRENATUREcrenature n. (Botany) A rounded tooth or notch of a crenate leaf, or any part that is crenate; a crenelle.
crenature n. The state of being crenated or notched.
CRENATURE n. the state of being notched.
CUPBEARERcupbearer n. (Chiefly historical) One who ceremonially fills and hands out the cups in which a drink is served.
cup-bearer n. Alternative form of cupbearer.
cup␣bearer n. Alternative form of cupbearer.
ECRASEURSecraseurs n. Plural of ecraseur.
écraseurs n. Plural of écraseur.
ECRASEUR n. (French) a surgical instrument in the form of a wire or chain loop which cuts as it tightens.
LACQUERERlacquerer n. One who lacquers.
LACQUERER n. one who lacquers.
MERCURATEmercurate n. (Inorganic chemistry) Any oxyanion of mercury; any salt containing such an ion.
MERCURATE v. to mercurialize or treat with mercury.
REACQUIREreacquire v. Acquire again.
REACQUIRE v. to acquire again.
RECAPTURErecapture n. The act of capturing again.
recapture n. That which is captured back; a prize retaken.
recapture n. (Finance) The retroactive collection of taxes that were not collectible at the time.
RECURVATErecurvate v. To bend or curve back; to recurve.
recurvate adj. (Botany) recurved.
RECURVATE adj. bent back.
RELACQUERrelacquer v. To lacquer again.
RELACQUER v. to lacquer again.
RESURFACEresurface v. (Intransitive) To come once again to the surface.
resurface v. (Transitive) To provide a new surface, to replace or remodel the surface of something, or to restore…
resurface v. (Intransitive) To arise or become evident again. To re-occur or reappear.
SUPERRACEsuperrace n. A race (Of people, etc.) superior to others.
SUPERRACE n. a race that dominates, or thinks it has the right to dominate, other inferior races.
UNCLEARERunclearer adj. Comparative form of unclear: more unclear.
UNCLEAR adj. not clear.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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