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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2E, N, S and U

ACUTENESSacuteness n. The quality of being acute or pointed.
acuteness n. (Of the senses or feelings) The faculty of precise discernment or perception; sensitiveness.
acuteness n. Shrillness; high pitch; – said of sounds.
ASCENDEURascendeur n. A metal grip that attaches to a rope sling and can be tightened to hold a climber or loosened to allow…
ASCENDEUR n. (French) a metal grip that is threaded on a rope as a climbing aid.
AUDIENCESaudiences n. Plural of audience.
AUDIENCE n. a group of listeners or spectators.
CERULEANSceruleans n. Plural of cerulean.
CERULEAN n. a sky-blue colour, also CAERULEAN.
CHANTEUSEchanteuse n. A female singer; often specifically a popular or cabaret singer.
CHANTEUSE n. (French) a female nightclub singer.
ENACTURESenactures n. Plural of enacture.
ENACTURE n. (Shakespeare) a performance, a fulfilment.
ENCAPSULEencapsule v. (Transitive) To place inside a capsule.
ENCAPSULE v. to encapsulate.
NUCLEASESnucleases n. Plural of nuclease.
NUCLEASE n. any of a number of enzymes producing hydrolysis in nucleic acids.
NUCLEATESnucleates n. Plural of nucleate.
NUCLEATE v. to form into a nucleus.
RECUSANCErecusance n. Alternative form of recusancy.
RECUSANCE n. the state of being recusant, one who refuses to attend Catholic church services, also RECUSANCY.
SECURANCEsecurance n. Assurance; confirmation.
SECURANCE n. the act of securing.
SEMUNCIAEsemunciae n. Plural of semuncia.
SEMUNCIA n. (Latin) a Roman coin equivalent to one twenty-fourth part of a Roman pound.
UNCREASEDuncreased adj. Not creased.
UNCREASED adj. not creased.
UNCREATESuncreates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncreate.
UNCREATE v. to deprive of existence.
UNTEACHESunteaches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unteach.
UNTEACH v. to cause to unlearn something.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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