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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2E, N, R and Y

ARCHENEMYarchenemy n. A principal enemy.
archenemy n. A supreme and most powerful enemy.
Archenemy prop.n. (Christianity) Satan.
CANYONEERcanyoneer n. A person who explores canyons.
canyoneer v. (Intransitive) To take part in canyoning.
CANYONEER n. a canyon explorer.
CENTENARYcentenary adj. Of or related to the number one hundred, particularly.
centenary n. (Obsolete) Synonym of centurion: An officer commanding 100 men, especially (historical) in the Roman army.
centenary n. (Obsolete) Synonym of century: a period of 100 years.
CRENATELYCRENATE adv. having a notched or scalloped edge, also CRENATED.
CYBERNATEcybernate v. (Transitive) To automate (An industrial process, etc.) using a computer system.
CYBERNATE v. to control by means of a computer.
DAYCENTREday␣centre n. (UK) a place providing care, attention and recreation facilities during the day for people who aren’t…
DAYCENTRE n. a building used for daycare.
DECENNARYdecennary adj. Decennial: of or related to a ten-year period.
decennary n. A decennium: a period of ten years.
decennary adj. Alternative form of decenary: of or related to the number ten; containing ten items.
GENERALCYgeneralcy n. The rank or office of a general.
GENERALCY n. the rank of general.
MERCENARYmercenary n. (Archaic) One motivated by gain, especially monetary.
mercenary n. A person employed to fight in an armed conflict who is not a member of the state or military group for…
mercenary n. (Figuratively) One hired to engage in a figurative battle, as a corporate takeover, a lawsuit, or a…
NECESSARYnecessary adj. Required, essential, whether logically inescapable or needed in order to achieve a desired result or…
necessary adj. Unavoidable, inevitable.
necessary adj. (Obsolete) Determined, involuntary: acting from compulsion rather than free will.
RECREANCYrecreancy n. The quality or state of being recreant; shameful cowardice; perfidy.
RECREANCY n. the state of being a recreant, also RECREANCE.
RELEVANCYrelevancy n. (Law, Scotland) Sufficiency (Of a statement, claim etc.) to carry weight in law; legal pertinence.
relevancy n. (Uncountable) The degree to which a thing is relevant; relevance, applicability.
relevancy n. (Countable) A relevant thing.
REMANENCYremanency n. Alternative form of remanence.
REMANENCY n. the property of staying magnetic, also REMANENCE.
SERGEANCYsergeancy n. The rank or office of a sergeant; sergeantship.
SERGEANCY n. the office or rank of a sergeant, also SERJEANCY.
SERJEANCYserjeancy n. Obsolete form of sergeancy.
SERJEANCY n. the office or rank of serjeant, also SERGEANCY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 30 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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