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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2E, N, P and R

CANEPHOREcanephore n. Alternative form of canephora.
CANEPHORE n. (Greek) a sculpted figure carrying a basket on the head, also CANEPHOR, CANEPHORA, CANEPHORUS.
CAPONIEREcaponiere n. (Military, historical) A work made across or in the ditch, to protect it from the enemy, or to serve…
CAPONIERE n. (French) a work made across or in the ditch, to protect it from the enemy, or to serve as a covered passageway, also CAPONIER.
CARPENTERcarpenter n. A person skilled at carpentry, the trade of cutting and joining timber in order to construct buildings…
carpenter n. (Nautical) A senior rating in ships responsible for all the woodwork onboard; in the days of sail, a…
carpenter n. A two-wheeled carriage.
CHAPERONEchaperone n. An older person who accompanies other younger people to ensure the propriety of their behaviour, often…
chaperone n. (Biochemistry) A protein that assists the non-covalent folding/unfolding and the assembly/disassembly…
chaperone n. (UK, business) An employee sent by a British company to the European Union to work with a client there…
CHEAPENERcheapener n. One who cheapens.
CHEAPENER n. one who makes cheap.
CREPANCEScrepances n. Plural of crepance.
CREPANCE n. a sore on a horse's hind ankle-joint.
EPICENTRAEPICENTRUM n. the point on the Earth's surface that is directly above the focus of an earthquake, also EPICENTER, EPICENTRE.
EPICUREANepicurean adj. Pursuing pleasure, especially in reference to food or comfort.
epicurean adj. Devoted to luxurious living.
epicurean n. One who is devoted to pleasure.
ESPERANCEesperance n. (Obsolete) Expectation, hope.
Esperance prop.n. A town and shire in the south of Western Australia.
Esperance prop.n. A town and village in Schoharie County, New York, United States.
MEPACRINEmepacrine n. (Pharmacology) Synonym of quinacrine.
MEPACRINE n. a bitter yellow powder, aka atebrin, formerly used against malaria.
PARCENERSparceners n. Plural of parcener.
PARCENER n. a coheir, or one of two or more persons to whom an estate of inheritance descends jointly, and by whom it is held as one estate.
PERCALINEpercaline n. A fine kind of French cotton goods, usually of one colour.
PERCALINE n. (French) a glossy lightweight cotton.
PERCENTALpercental adj. In terms of a percentage.
PERCENTAL adj. relating to percentages.
PERCHANCEperchance adv. Perhaps; by chance.
PERCHANCE adv. by chance, as it may happen.
PERMEANCEpermeance n. A measure of the degree to which a material allows a fluid to permeate it.
permeance n. (Physics) The reciprocal of reluctance in a magnetic circuit; the analogue of conductance in an electrical circuit.
PERMEANCE n. the property of allowing the passage of lines of magnetic flux.
PRECANCELprecancel v. (Transitive) To cancel or frank (a postage stamp) prior to posting it.
precancel n. A postage stamp or mail item that has been precancelled.
PRECANCEL v. to cancel in advance.
PRECANCERprecancer adj. Before the onset of cancer.
precancer n. An incipient form of cancer that may become malignant if not treated.
PRECANCER adj. preceding cancer.
PRECLEANSprecleans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preclean.
precleans n. Plural of preclean.
PRECLEAN v. to clean beforehand.
PREENACTSpreenacts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preenact.
PREENACT v. to enact beforehand.
PREGNANCEpregnance n. Obsolete form of pregnancy.
PREGNANCE n. (obsolete) pregnancy, also PREGNANCY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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