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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2E, L, R and U

BRUCELLAEbrucellae n. Plural of brucella.
BRUCELLA n. Any of a genus of harmful bacteria.
CAERULEANcaerulean adj. Alternative spelling of cerulean.
cærulean adj. Alternative spelling of cerulean.
CAERULEAN adj. sky-blue; dark blue; sea-green, also CERULEAN, CERULEOUS.
CALENTUREcalenture n. A heat stroke or fever, often suffered in the tropics.
calenture n. A delirium occurring from such symptoms, in which a stricken sailor pictures the sea as grassy meadows…
CALENTURE n. (historical) sunstroke, or other fever or delirium due to heat.
CANNELUREcannelure n. (Firearms) A ringlike groove, such as that around the cylinder of an elongated bullet for small arms…
CANNELURE n. (French) a groove or fluting, esp. around a bullet etc.
CERULEANSceruleans n. Plural of cerulean.
CERULEAN n. a sky-blue colour, also CAERULEAN.
CRENULATEcrenulate adj. (Sciences) Minutely crenate or scalloped.
CRENULATE adj. minutely crenate, also CRENULATED.
ELECTUARYelectuary n. (Medicine) Any preparation of a medicine mixed with honey or other sweetener in order to make it more…
ELECTUARY n. a medicine mixed with honey or syrup.
HERCULEANherculean adj. Alternative letter-case form of Herculean.
Herculean adj. Of extraordinary might, power, size, etc.; suggesting Hercules in size or strength.
Herculean adj. Requiring a huge amount of work; of extraordinary difficulty.
LACQUEREDlacquered v. Simple past tense and past participle of lacquer.
LACQUER v. to coat with a glossy substance, also LACKER.
LACQUERERlacquerer n. One who lacquers.
LACQUERER n. one who lacquers.
RELACQUERrelacquer v. To lacquer again.
RELACQUER v. to lacquer again.
RELUCTATEreluctate v. (Obsolete) To struggle against anything; to resist; to oppose.
RELUCTATE v. to be reluctant, also RELUCT.
RESCUABLErescuable adj. That can be rescued or recovered.
RESCUABLE adj. that may be rescued.
SECURABLEsecurable adj. Able to be secured.
securable n. (Computing, Microsoft SQL Server) A resource that can be secured.
SECURABLE adj. that may be secured.
ULCERATEDulcerated adj. Affected with ulcers.
ULCERATE v. to affect with a type of lesion, also ULCER.
ULCERATESulcerates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ulcerate.
ULCERATE v. to affect with a type of lesion, also ULCER.
UNCLEANERuncleaner adj. Comparative form of unclean: more unclean.
UNCLEAN adj. not clean.
UNCLEAREDuncleared adj. Not cleared.
uncleared adj. (Of a cheque) That has not been through the clearing process, and whose amount of cash has not been…
uncleared v. Simple past tense and past participle of unclear.
UNCLEARERunclearer adj. Comparative form of unclear: more unclear.
UNCLEAR adj. not clear.
URCEOLATEurceolate adj. (Botany) Shaped like an urn.
urceolate adj. Having an urceolus.
URCEOLATE adj. shaped like a pitcher.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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