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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2E, L and 2N

CANNELUREcannelure n. (Firearms) A ringlike groove, such as that around the cylinder of an elongated bullet for small arms…
CANNELURE n. (French) a groove or fluting, esp. around a bullet etc.
CELANDINEcelandine n. Either of two not closely related flowering plants…
CELANDINE n. either of two plants (greater celandine and lesser celandine) supposed to flower when the swallows came, and to perish when they went.
CHANNELEDchanneled adj. (Automotive, slang) Having a vehicle’s height reduced by lowering the body with respect to the frame rails.
channeled v. Simple past tense and past participle of channel.
CHANNEL v. to direct along a course.
CHANNELERchanneler n. (Parapsychology) A person who engages in channelling.
CHANNELER n. one who channels, a spirit medium, also CHANNELLER.
CLEANNESScleanness n. Moral purity; innocence.
cleanness n. The state of being physically clean and free of contamination or dirt; cleanliness.
CLEANNESS n. the state of being clean.
DECENNIALdecennial n. The tenth anniversary of an event or happening.
decennial adj. Occurring every ten years.
decennial adj. Of or related to a ten-year period, as a term of office.
ENRANCKLEENRANCKLE v. (Spenser) to enrage.
NONCEREALnoncereal adj. (Of a crop) Not cereal.
NONCEREAL adj. not cereal.
RECHANNELrechannel v. To channel in a new or different way.
RECHANNEL v. to channel again.
UNCLEANEDuncleaned adj. That has not been cleaned; dirty or foul; uncleansed.
uncleaned v. Simple past tense and past participle of unclean.
UNCLEANED adj. not cleaned.
UNCLEANERuncleaner adj. Comparative form of unclean: more unclean.
UNCLEAN adj. not clean.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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