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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2E, G, I and N

CAREENINGcareening v. Present participle of careen.
careening n. The motion of something that careens.
CAREEN v. to turn (a ship) on its side for repairs.
CAREERINGcareering v. Present participle of career.
careering n. Rapid, uncontrollable headlong motion.
CAREER v. to go at full speed.
CLIENTAGEclientage n. Clients collectively; clientele.
clientage n. The condition of being a client.
CLIENTAGE n. clients collectively.
DECEASINGdeceasing v. Present participle of decease.
DECEASE v. to die.
EUGENICALeugenical adj. (Dated) Relating to eugenics.
EUGENICAL adj. relating to genetic improvement of a race by judicious mating, also EUGENIC.
EVANGELICevangelic adj. Evangelical.
evangelic n. Evangelical.
EVANGELIC adj. (archaic) of or relating to the Christian gospel, also EVANGELICAL.
GENERICALgenerical adj. Generic.
GENERICAL adj. general; applicable to any of a group or class, also GENERIC.
GENETICALgenetical adj. Relating to genesis or origin; genetic.
GENETICAL adj. relating to genes, also GENETIC.
GRIEVANCEgrievance n. (Countable) Something which causes grief.
grievance n. (Countable) A wrong or hardship suffered, which is the grounds of a complaint.
grievance n. (Uncountable) Feelings of being wronged; outrage.
METAGENICmetagenic adj. Metagenetic.
METAGENIC adj. relating to metagenesis, the production within the life cycle of an organism of alternating asexual and sexual reproductive forms.
RECOINAGErecoinage n. (Now chiefly historical) A recoining of money.
RECOINAGE n. the act of coining anew.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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