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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, C, D, O, R, T and U

ABDUCTORSabductors n. Plural of abductor.
ABDUCTOR n. a person who abducts.
ACCOURTEDaccourted v. Simple past tense and past participle of accourt.
ACCOURT v. to entertain.
ACCOUTREDaccoutred adj. Supplied with essential equipments for a certain intention, particularly military.
accoutred adj. Provided with vital supplies for a precise aim, more specifically for the armed forces.
accoutred v. Simple past tense and past participle of accoutre.
ADDUCTORSadductors n. Plural of adductor.
ADDUCTOR n. an adducent muscle, one that draws towards a central axis.
AERODUCTSaeroducts n. Plural of aeroduct.
AERODUCT n. a type of jet engine.
CERATODUSCERATODUS n. (Greek) a genus of ganoid fishes, with lungs so well developed that they can leave the water and breathe in air.
COADJUTORcoadjutor n. An assistant or helper.
coadjutor n. (Ecclesiastical) An assistant to a bishop.
COADJUTOR n. a bishop assisting a diocesan bishop and having the right of succession.
COCURATEDcocurated v. Simple past tense and past participle of cocurate.
COCURATE v. to curate jointly.
COURTYARDcourtyard n. An area, open to the sky, partially or wholly surrounded by walls or buildings.
COURTYARD n. a court or enclosed ground attached to a building, usually a large house.
CROUSTADEcroustade n. An edible container (often of pastry) filled with a savoury food.
CROUSTADE n. (French) a cake of fried bread or pastry for serving game.
EDUCATORSeducators n. Plural of educator.
EDUCATOR n. one who educates.
EDUCATORYeducatory adj. (Archaic) Educational; instructive.
EDUCATORY adj. relating to education.
HARDCOURThardcourt n. A tennis court having a hard surface, frequently concrete.
hard␣court n. Alternative form of hardcourt.
HARDCOURT adj. of tennis, played on a hard surface.
JUDICATORjudicator n. One who acts as a judge.
JUDICATOR n. a person who judges.
TRUCKLOADtruckload n. The contents of a full truck or lorry.
truckload n. (Slang) A large number.
TRUCKLOAD n. the contents of a truck.
ULTRACOLDultracold adj. (Physics) Of a temperature close to absolute zero, especially one at which quantum-mechanical properties are observed.
ultracold adj. (Informal) Extremely cold; of utmost coldness.
ULTRACOLD adj. very very cold.
UNDERCOATundercoat n. A layer of short hairs underneath the longer ones of an animal’s fur.
undercoat n. A coat of paint or other material applied onto a surface before that of a topcoat; a coloured primer.
undercoat n. (Obsolete) A coat for wearing indoors, under an overcoat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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