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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, C, D, I, O, R and T

ABDICATORabdicator n. (Obsolete) A person supporting the abdication of another.
abdicator n. One who abdicates.
ABDICATOR n. one who abdicates.
BACTEROIDbacteroid n. (Dated) A micro-organism such as a bacterium or yeast.
bacteroid n. A bacterium of the species Bacteroides.
bacteroid n. A symbiotic form of the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Rhizobia, or the root nodule that it produces.
CAROTIDALcarotidal adj. Of or relating to the carotid arteries.
CAROTIDAL adj. relating to the carotid artery.
CHARIOTEDcharioted adj. Furnished with, or located in, a chariot.
CHARIOT v. to ride in a two-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle.
CHROMATIDchromatid n. (Genetics) After DNA replication, either of the two connected double-helix strands of a metaphase chromosome…
CHROMATID n. one of the two threadlike structures formed by the longitudinal division of a chromosome.
DECIMATORdecimator n. One who decimates, particularly…
DECIMATOR n. one who decimates.
DEDICATORdedicator n. One who dedicates.
DEDICATOR n. one who dedicates.
DIATROPICdiatropic adj. Exhibiting diatropism (any sense).
DIATROPIC adj. relating to diatropism, the growth of plant roots at right angles to an applied force.
DICHROMATdichromat n. One whose vision exhibits dichromacy; one who can distinguish only two primary colors.
DICHROMAT n. a salt of chromic acid containing two equivalents of the acid radical to one of the base, also DICHROMATE.
DICTATORSdictators n. Plural of dictator.
DICTATOR n. one that dictates.
DICTATORYdictatory adj. Dogmatical; overbearing; dictatorial.
dictatory n. (Nonstandard) Synonym of dictate.
dictatory n. (Nonstandard) Synonym of dictatorship.
DOCTORIALdoctorial adj. (Dated) doctoral.
DOCTORIAL adj. of or pertaining to (the holder of) a doctorate, also DOCTORAL.
DOCTRINALdoctrinal adj. Of, relating to, involving, belonging to or concerning a doctrine.
doctrinal adj. (Obsolete) Didactic.
doctrinal n. A matter of doctrine, or system of doctrines.
DRACONTICdracontic adj. Alternative form of draconic (“suggestive of dragons”).
DRACONTIC adj. unusually harsh, also DRACONIAN, DRACONIC.
INDICATORindicator n. A pointer or index that indicates something.
indicator n. A meter or gauge.
indicator n. The needle or dial on such a meter.
JUDICATORjudicator n. One who acts as a judge.
JUDICATOR n. a person who judges.
LORICATEDloricated v. Simple past tense and past participle of loricate.
LORICATE v. to coat protectively, to armour.
MORDACITYmordacity n. The quality of being mordacious; biting severity, or sarcastic quality.
MORDACITY n. the quality of being mordacious, biting.
PODIATRICpodiatric adj. Of or pertaining to podiatry, the medical specialty concerned with the foot.
PODIATRIC adj. relating to care of the feet.
REDACTIONredaction n. (Countable) Edited or censored version of a document.
redaction n. (Countable) The change or changes made while editing.
redaction n. (Uncountable) The process of editing or censoring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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