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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, C, D, I, M, O and T

CHROMATIDchromatid n. (Genetics) After DNA replication, either of the two connected double-helix strands of a metaphase chromosome…
CHROMATID n. one of the two threadlike structures formed by the longitudinal division of a chromosome.
COMATULIDcomatulid n. (Zoology) Any crinoid of the genus Antedon or allied genera in order Comatulida; a feather star.
COMATULID n. a type of crinoid, aka feather star, also COMATULA.
COMITADJIcomitadji n. (Historical) A member of a unit of irregular soldiers or resistance fighters; a partisan.
COMITADJI n. (Turkish) a member of the Bulgarian Revolutionary Committee in Macedonia; any Balkan guerilla, also KOMITAJI.
DECIMATORdecimator n. One who decimates, particularly…
DECIMATOR n. one who decimates.
DICHROMATdichromat n. One whose vision exhibits dichromacy; one who can distinguish only two primary colors.
DICHROMAT n. a salt of chromic acid containing two equivalents of the acid radical to one of the base, also DICHROMATE.
DOGMATICSdogmatics n. (Theology) The systematic study of dogmata.
DOGMATICS n. the science which treats of Christian doctrinal theology.
IDIOMATICidiomatic adj. Pertaining or conforming to idiom, the natural mode of expression of a language.
idiomatic adj. Resembling or characteristic of an idiom.
idiomatic adj. (Music) Relating to parts or pieces which are written both within the natural physical limitations of…
MORDACITYmordacity n. The quality of being mordacious; biting severity, or sarcastic quality.
MORDACITY n. the quality of being mordacious, biting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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