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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, C, D, E, M, P and R

CAMPEADORcampeador n. A warrior, in Spanish contexts.
CAMPEADOR n. (Spanish) a champion, esp. El Cid.
CLAMPEREDclampered v. Simple past tense and past participle of clamper.
CLAMPER v. to botch up.
COMPADREScompadres n. Plural of compadre.
COMPADRE n. (Spanish) a close friend.
COMPANDERcompander n. Any device used for companding.
COMPANDER n. a system of transmitting or reproducing sound by compressing and then re-expanding the volume-range, also COMPANDOR.
COMPARTEDcomparted v. Simple past tense and past participle of compart.
COMPART v. to divide into parts.
COMPEAREDcompeared v. Simple past tense and past participle of compear.
COMPEAR v. to appear in court.
CRAMPONEDcramponed v. Simple past tense and past participle of crampon.
CRAMPON v. to climb using a kind of spiked boot.
PACHYDERMpachyderm n. (Obsolete, zoology) A member of the obsolete taxonomic order Pachydermata, grouping of thick-skinned…
pachyderm n. (Informal) An elephant.
pachyderm n. (Idiomatic) A person with thick skin; someone who is not affected by or does not care what others say…
PARAMEDICparamedic n. An individual trained to medically stabilize people through various interventions, victims of trauma…
paramedic n. (US) An individual who is licensed at the state or national level to practice medical interventions…
PARAMEDIC adj. helping doctors or supplementing medical work.
PLACODERMplacoderm n. (Paleontology) A member of an extinct class (Placodermi) of jawed fish with armored heads and thoraces;…
placoderm adj. (Paleontology) Pertaining to the class Placodermi.
PLACODERM adj. covered with bony scales.
PREADAMICpreadamic adj. Prior to the existence of the Biblical Adam.
PREADAMIC adj. relating to the belief that there were people on the earth before Adam.
RAMPICKEDRAMPICKED adj. of a tree, like a rampick, decayed at the top.
SCAMPEREDscampered v. Simple past tense and past participle of scamper.
scampered adj. Achieved by a scampering motion.
SCAMPER v. to run playfully about.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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