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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, 2C, I, R and 2T

ANTARCTICantarctic adj. Alternative spelling of Antarctic.
Antarctic adj. Of, from, or pertaining to Antarctica and the south polar regions.
Antarctic adj. (Figuratively) Opposite, contradictory.
ARCHITECTarchitect n. A professional who designs buildings or other structures, or who prepares plans and superintends construction.
architect n. A person who plans, devises or contrives the achievement of a desired result.
architect n. (Philippines) An honorific given to architects. Usually capitalized or abbreviated as Arch./Ar. before…
ATARACTICataractic adj. (Pharmacology) That has a tranquilizing effect.
ataractic n. (Pharmacology) A drug that is used to tranquilize; a tranquilizer.
ATARACTIC adj. able to calm or tranquillize.
CATHARTICcathartic adj. Purgative; inducing mental or physical catharsis.
cathartic adj. That which releases emotional tension, especially after an overwhelming experience.
cathartic n. (Medicine) A laxative.
CATOPTRICcatoptric adj. Of, relating to, or produced by mirrors or reflections.
CATOPTRIC adj. relating to reflection, also CATOPTRICAL.
CORTICATEcorticate adj. Sheathed in bark or in a cortex.
corticate n. Any of the common ancestors of Plantae and Chromista (or chromalveolates or other grouping of similar organisms).
CORTICATE adj. having a special outer covering of a nature unlike the interior part, e.g. bark, also CORTICATED.
TRACHYTICtrachytic adj. (Geology) Relating to, or composed of trachyte.
TRACHYTIC adj. of, pertaining to, or resembling, trachyte, an igneous rock.
TRICTRACSTRICTRAC n. a form of backgammon in which pegs as well as pieces are used, also TRICKTRACK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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