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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, 2C, I, M, O and R

ACRONYMICacronymic adj. Pertaining to the use of acronyms.
ACRONYMIC adj. relating to an acronym, a word fabricated from the initial letters of a name or phrase.
BACCIFORMbacciform adj. Having the form of a berry.
BACCIFORM adj. shaped like a berry.
CACTIFORMcactiform adj. Resembling a cactus.
CACTIFORM adj. cactus-shaped.
CAMPHORICcamphoric adj. Containing, or derived from camphor.
CAMPHORIC adj. pertaining to camphor, a solid essential oil derived from camphor laurel.
CARCINOMAcarcinoma n. (Countable) An invasive malignant tumour derived from epithelial tissue that tends to metastasize to…
carcinoma n. (Obsolete, countable) A form of cancer; (uncountable) cancer in general as a disease.
CARCINOMA n. (Greek) a cancer.
CHROMATICchromatic adj. Uses relating to colour.
chromatic adj. (Not comparable, music).
chromatic adj. (Biology) Relating to chromatin (“a complex of DNA, RNA, and proteins within the cell nucleus out of…
COPRAEMICcopraemic adj. Alternative form of copremic.
COPRAEMIC adj. relating to copraemia, a form of blood poisoning, also COPREMIC.
CROCOSMIAcrocosmia n. Any of many plants in the genus Crocosmia.
Crocosmia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Iridaceae – montbretias, of southern and eastern Africa.
CROCOSMIA n. any plant of the genus Crocosmia, including montbretia.
MACARONICmacaronic adj. (Archaic) Jumbled, mixed.
macaronic adj. (Literature) Written in a hodgepodge mixture of two or more languages.
macaronic adj. (Dated) Like a macaroni or dandy; foppish, trifling, affected.
MACCARONImaccaroni n. Alternative form of macaroni (“a type of pasta”).
maccaroni n. Alternative form of macaroni (“a fop, a dandy”).
MACCARONI n. (Italian) a form of pasta, also MACARONI.
MICROCARDmicrocard n. A small card bearing a microreproduction of text, resembling the microfiche format but on cardboard…
microcard v. (Transitive) To transfer to microcard format.
MICROCARD n. a card representing some 200 or more pages of a book in microscopic print.
MICROCARSmicrocars n. Plural of microcar.
MICROCAR n. a compact small-engined car.
MONARCHICmonarchic adj. Of, or relating to monarchy or to a monarch.
MONARCHIC adj. pertaining to a monarch, ruling alone, also MONARCHAL.
SACCIFORMsacciform adj. Resembling a pouch.
sacciform adj. (Anatomy) Having the form of a sac.
SACCIFORM adj. shaped like a sac.
TIMOCRACYtimocracy n. (Platonism) A form of government in which ambition for honor, power and military glory motivates the rulers.
timocracy n. (Aristotelianism) A form of government in which civic honor or political power increases with the amount…
TIMOCRACY n. a state in which possession of property is required for participation in government.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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