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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, 2C, 2I, N and T

ANACLITICanaclitic adj. (Psychoanalysis) Denoting a person whose choice of love-interest arises from the dependence of the libido…
anaclitic adj. Pertaining to an acute emotional dependence on another person or persons.
ANACLITIC adj. characterised by anaclisis, strong emotional dependence on others.
ANTICIVICanticivic adj. In opposition to citizenship.
anticivic adj. Against the welfare and best interests of citizens and their citizenship.
ANTICIVIC adj. opposed to citizenship.
CINEMATICcinematic adj. Of or relating to the cinema.
cinematic adj. Resembling a professional motion picture.
cinematic adj. (Dated) Relating to kinematics; kinematic.
CIRCINATEcircinate adj. (Botany) Used of leaves or similar parts that are coiled on themselves from the apex toward their base.
circinate adj. (Medicine) Round or ring-shaped, particularly with distinct margins forming some sort of motive; annular.
CIRCINATE adj. rolled up with its apex in the centre, like a young fern.
COCAINISTcocainist n. A cocaine addict.
COCAINIST n. one suffering from cocainism, a morbid condition caused by addiction to cocaine.
DIACTINICdiactinic adj. (Physics) Capable of transmitting the chemical or actinic rays of light.
DIACTINIC adj. capable of transmitting actinic rays.
INTRICACYintricacy n. The state or quality of being intricate or entangled.
intricacy n. Perplexity.
intricacy n. Something which is intricate or complex.
NARCISTICnarcistic adj. Dated form of narcissistic.
NARCISTIC adj. excessively admiring of oneself.
PANMICTICpanmictic adj. Of, or pertaining to panmixia.
PANMICTIC adj. connected with or exhibiting panmixia, cessation of the influence of natural selection.
TACTICIANtactician n. A person skilled in the planning and execution of tactics.
TACTICIAN n. one skilled in tactics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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