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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, 2C, 2I, L and T

ACCLIVITYacclivity n. (Geomorphology) A slope or inclination of the earth, as the side of a hill, considered as ascending…
ACCLIVITY n. an upward slope.
ACRITICALacritical adj. Not critical.
acritical adj. Not involving a crisis.
ACRITICAL adj. not critical.
ANACLITICanaclitic adj. (Psychoanalysis) Denoting a person whose choice of love-interest arises from the dependence of the libido…
anaclitic adj. Pertaining to an acute emotional dependence on another person or persons.
ANACLITIC adj. characterised by anaclisis, strong emotional dependence on others.
ASCITICALascitical adj. Ascitic.
ASCITICAL adj. of, pertaining to, or affected by, ascites; dropsical, also ASCITIC.
CELIBATICCELIBATIC adj. living without a sexual partner, also CELIBATE.
CIRCUITALcircuital adj. Of or pertaining to a circuit.
CIRCUITAL adj. relating to a circuit.
CLADISTICcladistic adj. Relating to a clade.
cladistic adj. Relating to cladistics.
CLADISTIC adj. relating to cladism, a method of taxonomy.
CLICKBAITclickbait n. (Internet marketing, derogatory) Website content that is aimed at generating advertising revenue, especially…
clickbait v. To add clickbait to a web page; to direct clickbait at someone.
click-bait n. Alternative form of clickbait.
CLIMACTICclimactic adj. Of, pertaining to, or constituting a climax; reaching a decisive moment or point of greatest excitement.
CLIMACTIC adj. relating to a climax, also CLIMACTICAL.
CLOACITIScloacitis n. Inflammation of the cloaca.
CLOACITIS n. inflammation of the cloaca in birds.
DIALECTICdialectic n. Any formal system of reasoning that arrives at a truth by the exchange of logical arguments.
dialectic n. A contradiction of ideas that serves as the determining factor in their interaction.
dialectic n. (Marxism) Progress of conflict, especially class conflict.
ICTERICALicterical adj. Dated form of icteric.
ICTERICAL n. a remedy for icterus, jaundice, also ICTERIC.
OCCIPITALoccipital adj. (Anatomy) Of, pertaining to, or located within or near the occiput (back of the head) or the occipital bone.
occipital n. (Anatomy) Ellipsis of occipital bone..
occipital n. (Zootomy) An occipital scale in reptiles.
SCIATICALsciatical adj. Sciatic.
SCIATICAL adj. of or relating to the hip, also SCIATIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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