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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, 2C, E, I, O and R

ACCRETIONaccretion n. The act of increasing by natural growth; especially the increase of organic bodies by the internal accession…
accretion n. The act of increasing, or the matter added, by an accession of parts externally; an extraneous addition.
accretion n. Something added externally to promote the external growth of an item.
ACCROIDESaccroides n. Acaroid resin.
ACCROIDES n. a red alcohol-soluble resin.
ACROGENICacrogenic adj. Alternative form of acrogenous.
ACROGENIC adj. like or relating to an acrogen, a cryptogam with a distinct permanent stem.
ANORECTICanorectic adj. Characterised by a lack of appetite, especially as suffering from anorexia nervosa; anorexic.
anorectic adj. Causing a loss of appetite.
anorectic n. A person suffering from anorexia nervosa; an anorexic.
ARCCOSINEarccosine n. (Trigonometry) Any of several single-valued or multivalued functions that are inverses of the cosine function.
ARCCOSINE n. a mathematical function.
CATEGORICcategoric adj. Categorical.
CATEGORIC adj. positive; absolute, also CATEGORICAL.
CECROPIAScecropias n. Plural of cecropia.
CECROPIA n. a fast-growing tropical American tree of the mulberry family.
CHOLERAICcholeraic adj. Relating to, or resembling, cholera.
CHOLERAIC adj. relating to cholera.
CHOREATICchoreatic adj. Of or relating to chorea.
CHOREATIC adj. of or like chorea.
COCHAIREDcochaired v. Simple past tense and past participle of cochair.
co-chaired v. Simple past tense and past participle of co-chair.
COCHAIR v. to serve jointly as chairman.
COCINERAScocineras n. Plural of cocinera.
COCINERA n. (Spanish) a cook.
COPRAEMICcopraemic adj. Alternative form of copremic.
COPRAEMIC adj. relating to copraemia, a form of blood poisoning, also COPREMIC.
CORTICATEcorticate adj. Sheathed in bark or in a cortex.
corticate n. Any of the common ancestors of Plantae and Chromista (or chromalveolates or other grouping of similar organisms).
CORTICATE adj. having a special outer covering of a nature unlike the interior part, e.g. bark, also CORTICATED.
COWARDICEcowardice n. Lack of courage.
COWARDICE n. lack of courage, also COWARDRY.
GEOCARPICgeocarpic adj. Relating to geocarpy.
GEOCARPIC adj. of fruit, ripening underground.
ORICALCHEoricalche n. Obsolete form of orichalch.
ORICALCHE n. (Spenser) a gold-coloured alloy, also ORICHALC.
PRECOCIALprecocial adj. (Zoology, of birds) Hatched from the egg already covered in down and with eyes open; capable of leaving…
PRECOCIAL adj. of or relating to birds whose young are hatched with a covering of down and can leave the nest at once to seek food.
PRECOCIAL n. a bird having such young, also PRAECOCIAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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