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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, 2C, E, I, L and M

ACCLAIMEDacclaimed adj. Greatly praised or lauded, revered, highly respected.
acclaimed v. Simple past tense and past participle of acclaim.
ACCLAIM v. to shout approval of.
ACCLAIMERacclaimer n. One who acclaims.
ACCLAIMER n. one who acclaims.
ACCLIMATEacclimate v. (Transitive, chiefly US) To habituate to a climate not native; to acclimatize.
acclimate v. (Transitive, chiefly US) To adjust to a new environment; not necessarily a wild, natural, earthy one.
acclimate v. (Intransitive, chiefly US) To become accustomed to a new climate or environment.
CACOMIXLEcacomixle n. Alternative spelling of cacomixl.
CACOMIXLE n. (Nahuatl) a North American carnivore, about the size of a cat, related to the raccoons, also CACOMISTLE, CACOMIXL.
CALCIMINEcalcimine n. A form of whitewash (inexpensive white paint) made from calcium carbonate, glue and water, used to coat…
calcimine v. To coat with this substance.
CALCIMINE n. (tradename) a kind of whitewash or colour wash for walls, also KALSOMINE.
CHEMICALSchemicals n. Plural of chemical.
chemicals n. The chemical industry.
CHEMICAL n. a substance obtained by a process of chemistry.
CHOLAEMICcholaemic adj. Having or relating to cholaemia.
CHOLAEMIC adj. relating to cholaemia, an accumulation of bile pigments in the blood.
ECLAMPTICeclamptic adj. Of or pertaining to eclampsia.
eclamptic n. One who suffers from eclampsia.
ECLAMPTIC adj. relating to eclampsia, a symptom of epilepsy.
GLYCAEMICglycaemic adj. Alternative spelling of glycemic.
GLYCAEMIC adj. of or like glycaemia, excessive sugar in the blood, also GLYCEMIC.
LEUCAEMICleucaemic adj. Alternative form of leukaemic.
LEUCAEMIC adj. of or like leucemia, a type of cancer, also LEUKAEMIC.
REACCLAIMREACCLAIM v. to acclaim again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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