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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, 2C, E, H, I and M

CACHAEMIAcachaemia n. (Medicine, obsolete) A degenerated or poisoned condition of the blood.
CACHAEMIA n. (archaic) a degenerated or poisoned condition of the blood.
CACHAEMICcachaemic adj. Of or relating to cachaemia.
CACHAEMIC adj. (archaic) relating to cachaemia, a degenerated or poisoned condition of the blood.
CATECHISMcatechism n. A book, in question and answer form, summarizing the basic principles of Christianity.
catechism n. A basic manual in some subject.
catechism n. A set of questions designed to determine knowledge.
CHEMICALSchemicals n. Plural of chemical.
chemicals n. The chemical industry.
CHEMICAL n. a substance obtained by a process of chemistry.
CHIMAERICchimaeric adj. Alternative form of chimeric.
chimæric adj. Obsolete form of chimaeric.
CHIMAERIC adj. of the nature of a chimaera; imaginary, fanciful, visionary, also CHIMERIC, CHIMERICAL.
CHOLAEMICcholaemic adj. Having or relating to cholaemia.
CHOLAEMIC adj. relating to cholaemia, an accumulation of bile pigments in the blood.
ISCHAEMICischaemic adj. (UK) (pathology, cardiology) Alternative spelling of ischemic.
ischæmic adj. Archaic form of ischemic.
ISCHAEMIC adj. relating to ischaemia, an inadequate supply of blood to part of the body, also ISCHEMIC.
MECHANICSmechanics n. (Physics) The branch of physics that deals with the action of forces on material objects with mass.
mechanics n. The design and construction of machines.
mechanics n. (Writing) Spelling and punctuation.
MISCHANCEmischance n. Bad luck, misfortune.
mischance n. A mishap, an unlucky circumstance.
mischance v. (Transitive, intransitive) To undergo (a misfortune); to suffer (something unfortunate).
SCHEMATICschematic adj. Represented too simply or in an overly formulaic way, reflecting a shallow or incomplete understanding…
schematic adj. Sketchy, incomplete.
schematic adj. Relating to a schema.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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