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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, B, 2L, N, S and U

BULLSNAKEbullsnake n. Pituophis catenifer sayi, a large non-venomous colubrid snake endemic to the central United States…
BULLSNAKE n. an American burrowing snake.
BUNDWALLSBUNDWALL n. a concrete or earth wall surrounding a storage tank containing crude oil.
BUNGWALLSBUNGWALL n. (Native Australian) an Australian fern with an edible rhizome.
CLUBLANDSclublands n. Plural of clubland.
CLUBLAND n. an area containing many nightclubs.
RUBELLANSRUBELLAN n. a mineral, an altered biotite, mica containing iron and magnesia.
UNLOSABLEunlosable adj. That cannot be lost; not losable.
UNLOSABLE adj. that cannot be lost.
UNSALABLEunsalable n. (US) Something that cannot be sold.
unsalable adj. Not salable; unmerchantable.
UNSALABLE adj. that cannot be sold, also UNSALEABLE.
UNSALABLYUNSALABLE adv. that cannot be sold, also UNSALEABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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