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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, B, I, N, O, S and U

ABLUTIONSablutions n. Plural of ablution.
ablutions n. A building that houses bathing and toilet facilities on a military base.
ablutions n. (Plural only, UK, military) The location or building where the showers and basins are located.
ABUTILONSabutilons n. Plural of abutilon.
ABUTILON n. (Arabic) a flowering plant of the mallow family.
CONURBIASconurbias n. Plural of conurbia.
CONURBIA n. conurbations considered as a class.
ISOBUTANEisobutane n. (Organic chemistry) A hydrocarbon, a particular isomer of C4H10 found in natural gas.
ISOBUTANE n. a gaseous branched-chain hydrocarbon.
OLIBANUMSolibanums n. Plural of olibanum.
OLIBANUM n. an aromatic gum from a North African tree, formerly used in medicine but now chiefly as incense.
SUBACTIONsubaction n. (Obsolete) The act of reducing to any state, as of mixing two bodies completely.
subaction n. An action that makes up part of a more complex action.
SUBACTION n. the act of reducing to any state, as of mixing two bodies completely.
SUBLATIONsublation n. (Chemistry) A flotation method in which the material to be separated is adsorbed on the surface of gas…
sublation n. Removal, taking away.
sublation n. (Philosophy) In Hegelian philosophy, the situation where a thesis and antithesis interact.
SUBTOPIANsubtopian adj. Of or pertaining to subtopia.
SUBTOPIAN adj. of or like subtopia, the suburbs of a city.
TABOURINStabourins n. Plural of tabourin.
TABOURIN n. a small drum longer in body than the tabor, also TABORIN, TABORINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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