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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, B, I, L, O, R and U

BILOBULARbilobular adj. Involving or relating to two lobules.
BILOBULAR adj. having two lobules.
BILOCULARbilocular adj. Having two chambers, cells or compartments.
BILOCULAR adj. divided into two chambers or cavities, also BILOCULATE.
BINOCULARbinocular adj. Using two eyes or viewpoints; especially, using two eyes or viewpoints to ascertain distance.
binocular n. Attributive form of binoculars.
binocular n. A pair of binoculars.
BINOVULARbinovular adj. Alternative form of biovular.
BINOVULAR adj. relating to or derived from two different ova.
COLUBRIADCOLUBRIAD n. (Cowper) the epic of a snake.
CORBICULAcorbicula n. (Entomology) A bee’s pollen basket; in honeybees and close relatives, the corbiculae are located on…
corbicula n. Plural of corbiculum.
Corbicula prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cyrenidae – certain basket clams.
COURBARILcourbaril n. Hymenaea courbaril, a South American tree.
courbaril n. (Uncountable, dated) Animé, the resin of the tree, used in varnishes.
COURBARIL n. the West Indian locust-tree.
LABORIOUSlaborious adj. Requiring much physical effort; toilsome.
laborious adj. Mentally difficult; painstaking.
laborious adj. Industrious.
LABOURINGlabouring v. (Britain, Canada) present participle of labour.
labouring n. The act of one who labours; toil; work done.
LABOUR v. to work, also LABOR.
LABOURISMlabourism n. Support for the labour movement, the development of a collective organization of working people to campaign…
LABOURISM n. a support for workers' rights, also LABORISM.
LABOURISTlabourist n. Alternative form of laborist.
LABOURIST n. a supporter of workers' rights, also LABORITE, LABORIST.
LABOURITELabourite n. (UK politics) a member or supporter of the British Labour Party, the left wing party of Great Britain.
Labourite n. Misspelling of Laborite. (Australian political party member, Labor Party)
LABOURITE n. a member or supporter of the Labour party, also LABORITE, LABOURIST.
MISLABOURmislabour v. (Transitive, archaic) To work badly or wrongly; to mismanage and thereby damage (Farmland, etc.).
MISLABOUR v. to labour wrongly, also MISLABOR.
ORBICULARorbicular adj. Circular or spherical in shape; round.
ORBICULAR adj. spherical.
TUBICOLARtubicolar adj. (Zoology) tubicolous.
TUBICOLAR adj. inhabiting a tube, also TUBICOLOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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