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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, B, I, L, N, O and R

ANTILABORantilabor adj. In opposition to labor unions.
antilabor adj. In opposition to the labor party.
anti-labor adj. Alternative form of antilabor.
BANDOLIERbandolier n. An ammunition belt, worn over the shoulder, having loops or pockets for cartridges.
BANDOLIER n. (French) a shoulder belt for carrying ammunition, also BANDELIER, BANDOLEER.
BARITONALbaritonal adj. Pertaining to or having the character of a baritone.
BARITONAL adj. of or like a baritone.
BINOCULARbinocular adj. Using two eyes or viewpoints; especially, using two eyes or viewpoints to ascertain distance.
binocular n. Attributive form of binoculars.
binocular n. A pair of binoculars.
BINOVULARbinovular adj. Alternative form of biovular.
BINOVULAR adj. relating to or derived from two different ova.
BOILERMANboilerman n. A person who tends the fire for a steam engine.
BOILERMAN n. a man who looks after boilers.
BROADLINEbroadline adj. (Business) Selling a wide range of groceries.
broadline adj. (Archaeology) Having a broad line inscribed or drawn.
broadline adj. (Chemistry) Designating a technique in nuclear magnetic resonance. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
BROMELAINbromelain n. (Biochemistry) Either of two proteolytic enzymes, found in pineapples, that are used as meat tenderizers.
BROMELAIN n. an enzyme obtained from the juice of the pineapple plant, used medically and in skincare products, also BROMELIN.
BRONCHIALbronchial adj. Of or relating to the bronchi or bronchioles.
BRONCHIAL adj. belonging to the bronchi and their ramifications in the lungs.
BROWNTAILBROWNTAIL adj. as in browntail moth, a brown and white European moth.
CARBINOLScarbinols n. Plural of carbinol.
CARBINOL n. a monohydric alcohol; specifically methanol.
IGNORABLEignorable adj. That can be ignored.
ignorable adj. (Statistics, of missing data) Unrelated to the parameters being estimated.
ignorable n. Anything that can be ignored.
LABOURINGlabouring v. (Britain, Canada) present participle of labour.
labouring n. The act of one who labours; toil; work done.
LABOUR v. to work, also LABOR.
LIBRATIONlibration n. The act of librating.
libration n. (Astronomy) The apparent wobble or variation in the visible side of the Moon that permanently faces…
libration n. (By extension) A similar rotational or orbital characteristic of some other celestial body.
NOBILIARYnobiliary adj. Pertaining or related to nobility.
NOBILIARY adj. of or relating to nobility.
NONTRIBALnontribal adj. Not tribal.
NONTRIBAL adj. not tribal.
PANBROILSpanbroils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of panbroil.
pan-broils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pan-broil.
PANBROIL v. to fry in a pan with little or no fat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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