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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, B, 2I, L, N and R

BAIRNLIERBAIRNLY adj. like a bairn, a child.
BAIRNLIKEbairnlike adj. (Scotland and Northern England, rare) Like a bairn; childlike.
BAIRNLIKE adj. (Scots) childlike.
BIRLIEMANBIRLIEMAN n. (Scott) a byrlaw-man, an arbiter, oddsman or umpire in such matters.
BRAILLINGbrailling n. (Colloquial) A form of cheating in the board game Scrabble, where a player drawing tiles from the bag…
BRAILLE v. to write in raised print for the blind.
BRASILEINbrasilein n. Alternative form of brazilein.
BRASILEIN n. a dyestuff obtained by the oxidation of brasilin, also BRASILIN, BRAZILEIN, BRAZILIN.
BRASILINSBRASILIN n. a dyestuff obtained from brazilwood, also BRASILEIN, BRAZILEIN, BRAZILIN.
BRAZILEINbrazilein n. A neoflavanoid that is the main colouring matter in the red dye derived from brazilwood.
BRAZILEIN n. a dyestuff obtained by the oxidation of brazilin, also BRASILEIN, BRASILIN, BRAZILIN.
BRAZILINSBRAZILIN n. a dyestuff obtained from brazilwood, also BRASILEIN, BRASILIN, BRAZILEIN.
BRILLIANTbrilliant adj. Shining brightly.
brilliant adj. (Of a colour) Both bright and saturated.
brilliant adj. (Of a voice or sound) Having a sharp, clear tone.
LIBRARIANlibrarian n. The keeper, manager of a library.
librarian n. One who cares for the publications, files etc. in a library, whether staff or volunteer.
librarian n. A person who processes and organizes information.
LIBRATINGlibrating v. Present participle of librate.
LIBRATE v. to oscillate before settling into equilibrium.
LIBRATIONlibration n. The act of librating.
libration n. (Astronomy) The apparent wobble or variation in the visible side of the Moon that permanently faces…
libration n. (By extension) A similar rotational or orbital characteristic of some other celestial body.
NAILBITERnailbiter n. Alternative spelling of nail biter.
nail-biter n. Alternative spelling of nail biter.
nail␣biter n. (Literally) One who habitually bites or chews their fingernails.
NOBILIARYnobiliary adj. Pertaining or related to nobility.
NOBILIARY adj. of or relating to nobility.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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