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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, B, G, I, N, R and U

AUBERGINEaubergine n. (Britain) An Asian plant, Solanum melongena, cultivated for its edible purple, green, or white ovoid fruit; eggplant.
aubergine n. (Britain) The fruit of this plant, eaten as a vegetable.
aubergine n. (Color) A dark purple colour; eggplant.
BARAGOUINbaragouin n. (Countable) A pidgin.
baragouin n. (Uncountable) Unintelligible speech; gibberish, jargon.
BARAGOUIN n. (French) any jargon or unintelligible language.
GUBERNIYAguberniya n. (Historical) A major administrative subdivision of the Russian Empire; a governorate or province.
GUBERNIYA n. (Russian) a territorial division of imperial Russia.
LABOURINGlabouring v. (Britain, Canada) present participle of labour.
labouring n. The act of one who labours; toil; work done.
LABOUR v. to work, also LABOR.
RHUMBAINGrhumbaing v. Present participle of rhumba.
RHUMBA v. (Spanish) to dance a lively Spanish dance, also RUMBA.
SURBATINGsurbating v. Present participle of surbate.
SURBATE v. to make footsore; to harass or fatigue.
TABOURINGtabouring v. Present participle of tabour.
TABOUR v. to beat on a small drum, also TABOR, TABER.
UMBRAGINGumbraging v. Present participle of umbrage.
UMBRAGE v. to offend.
UNBARKINGunbarking v. Present participle of unbark.
UNBARK v. to strip of bark.
UNBARRINGunbarring v. Present participle of unbar.
UNBAR v. to become unbarred.
UNBEARINGunbearing v. Present participle of unbear.
unbearing adj. Bearing no fruit.
UNBEAR v. to free from the pressure of a rein.
UNBRACINGunbracing v. Present participle of unbrace.
UNBRACE v. to free from braces.
UNBRAKINGunbraking v. Present participle of unbrake.
UNBRAKE v. to release a brake.
UPBEARINGupbearing n. A bearing up; support.
upbearing n. A surge or movement upward.
upbearing v. Present participle of upbear.
UPBRAYINGupbraying v. Present participle of upbray.
UPBRAY v. (Spenser) to upbraid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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