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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, L, P, S and U

PALEBUCKSPALEBUCK n. a kind of antelope, aka oribi.
PERUSABLEperusable adj. Capable of being perused.
PERUSABLE adj. that can be perused.
PLAUSIBLEplausible adj. Seemingly or apparently valid, likely, or acceptable; conceivably true or likely.
plausible adj. Obtaining approbation; specifically pleasing; apparently right; specious.
plausible adj. (Obsolete) Worthy of being applauded; praiseworthy; commendable; ready.
PLAYBUSESplaybuses n. Plural of playbus.
PLAYBUS n. a mobile playground.
PLUMBATESplumbates n. Plural of plumbate.
PLUMBATE n. a salt of plumbic acid.
PULSEBEATpulsebeat n. A continuous, regular rhythm; a pulse or heartbeat.
pulsebeat n. An intimation of an underlying sentiment etc.
PULSEBEAT n. the pulse.
PURSUABLEpursuable adj. Able to be pursued or followed.
PURSUABLE adj. capable of being pursued.
SUBALPINEsubalpine adj. At the foot of the Alps.
subalpine adj. At or just below the tree-line.
SUBALPINE adj. inhabiting the somewhat high slopes and summits of mountains, but considerably below the snow line.
SUBPANELSsubpanels n. Plural of subpanel.
SUBPANEL n. a subdivision of a panel.
SUBSAMPLEsubsample n. A smaller portion of an original sample, created by trimming, subdividing, splitting or discrete collection…
subsample n. (Sciences) A portion of the original sample that is representative in nature to that of the original…
subsample v. (Transitive) To take subsamples from.
SUPERABLEsuperable adj. Capable of being overcome or surmounted; surmountable or conquerable.
SUPERABLE adj. capable of being overcome or conquered.
SUPERABLYSUPERABLE adv. capable of being overcome or conquered.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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