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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, 2L, O and R

ALBARELLOalbarello n. A ceramic pharmacy or drug jar, generally majolica ware, usually tall rather than wide, and often of a waisted shape.
ALBARELLO n. (Italian) a cylindrical jar used to hold drugs.
ALBUTEROLalbuterol n. (Pharmacology) Synonym of salbutamol.
ALBUTEROL n. a drug used to treat lung diseases.
BALLOTERSballoters n. Plural of balloter.
BALLOTER n. one who votes by ballot.
BARGELLOSbargellos n. Plural of bargello.
BARGELLO n. (Italian) a type of needlework stitch that makes a zigzag pattern.
BEADROLLSbeadrolls n. Plural of beadroll.
BEADROLL n. a list of the dead to be prayed for.
CABALLEROcaballero n. A horseman, particularly in the Latin American context.
caballero n. A Spanish gentleman.
caballero n. A Spanish line dance.
COLORABLEcolorable adj. US standard spelling of colourable.
COLORABLE adj. that can be coloured, also COLOURABLE.
LABOREDLYlaboredly adv. In a laboured manner; difficultly.
LABORED adv. LABOR, to work, also LABOUR.
LOWERABLElowerable adj. That can be lowered.
LOWERABLE adj. that can be lowered.
OMBRELLASombrellas n. Plural of ombrella.
OMBRELLA n. an umbrella.
PAROLABLEparolable adj. Eligible for parole.
PAROLABLE adj. that can be paroled.
TOLERABLEtolerable adj. Capable of being borne, tolerated or endured; bearable or endurable.
tolerable adj. Moderate in degree; mediocre; passable, acceptable or so-so.
tolerable adj. Such as to be tolerated or countenanced; permissible; allowable.
TOLERABLYtolerably adv. In a tolerable manner; to an extent that can be tolerated.
tolerably adv. (Dated) Reasonably; acceptably; somewhat.
TOLERABLE adv. that can be tolerated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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