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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, K, R, S and T

BACKRESTSbackrests n. Plural of backrest.
BACKREST n. a back support.
BANKSTERSbanksters n. Plural of bankster.
BANKSTER n. a banker or investor whose financial practices have been exposed as illegal.
BESTREAKSbestreaks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bestreak.
BESTREAK v. to overspread with streaks.
BRANKIESTBRANKY adj. (Scots) showy.
BREAKFASTbreakfast n. The first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning.
breakfast n. (By extension) A meal consisting of food normally eaten in the morning, which may typically include…
breakfast n. The celebratory meal served after a wedding (and occasionally after other solemnities e.g. a funeral).
BREAKOUTSbreakouts n. Plural of breakout.
BREAKOUT n. an escape.
BREASKITSBREASKIT n. meat from the breast of an animal, also BRISKET.
GRUBSTAKEgrubstake n. (Mining) Money, materials, tools, food etc. provided to a prospector in return for a share in future profits.
grubstake n. (Business) An amount of money advanced to someone starting a business in return for a share of the future profits.
grubstake n. Money, necessities stockpiled to sustain an effort for a period of time.
OUTBREAKSoutbreaks n. Plural of outbreak.
outbreaks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outbreak.
OUTBREAK v. to burst forth.
STRIKABLEstrikable adj. Alternative form of strikeable.
STRIKABLE adj. capable of being struck.
STROKABLEstrokable adj. Suitable for stroking.
STROKABLE adj. that can be stroked.
SUBMARKETsubmarket n. A distinct part of a larger market.
SUBMARKET n. a subordinate market.
TIEBREAKStiebreaks n. Plural of tiebreak.
tie-breaks n. Plural of tie-break.
tie␣breaks n. Plural of tie break.
TRACKBEDStrackbeds n. Plural of trackbed.
track␣beds n. Plural of track bed.
TRACKBED n. the foundations of a railway track.
TRAYBAKEStraybakes n. Plural of traybake.
TRAYBAKE n. a cake, pie, confection, etc. baked in a shallow rectangular container before division into portions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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